Hi, I’m Dwayne. I’m a freelance web developer. I spend most of my time writing code, reading random things on the internet, and playing PC games. I created this website to share what I’m working on and reading about. Check out the about me page for info about me, and the tech page for more about the website.

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I haven’t been writing anywhere near as much as I wanted to when I started this. I have a few drafts waiting but I have no idea when I’ll be in the mood to finish and post them.

~40 words     2 likes     3 comments    

Re: This is the end of the office as we know it

I can maybe see this happening:

These new numbers represent a seismic shift in work culture. Prior to the pandemic, the number of people regularly working from home remained in the single digits, with only about 4 percent of the US workforce working from home at least half the time. However, the trend of working from home had been gaining momentum incrementally for years, as technology and company cultures increasingly accommodated it. So it’s also likely that many Americans who are now working from home for the first time will continue to do so after the pandemic.

I can definitely see this happening:

There’s a lot more at play than what employers and workers want, of course. The economic impact of the pandemic will likely force many employers to cut costs. For companies to reduce their rent obligations by letting workers work from home is an easy solution, one that’s less painful than layoffs. In Lister’s words, “The investor community is going to insist on it.”

Lots of interesting predictions in this article.

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Re: Coronavirus Numbers Reflect New York City’s Deep Economic Divide

Every single map of NYC that shows some kind of negative effect (violence, poverty, sickness, food availability, etc) on New Yorkers always looks exactly the same. The same “poor” and “wealthy” regions are always highlighted in exactly the same way. Inequality is how the city operates. It’s how the country operates. This is America.


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Re: Come On, People, Enough With These Covid Conspiracies

We have to be the ones who double-check information from valid sources, picking through every headline and paragraph — because nobody will do it for us. Unfortunately, there just aren’t enough of us who have either the media literacy or the internet know-how to spot the jig. That’s why I’m so disappointed by the people who should know better — who already understand the invisible hands stirring up fear and distrust. Watching these people share articles from ThisNewsIsFakeDotCom is the truly infuriating and inexcusable new development to come out of all of this.


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Re: After recovering, COVID-19 patients struggle to know when to stop isolating

We really need to figure this part out. It sounds to me like the safest thing to do after infection (or after feeling any COVID-19 related symptoms really) is try to isolate for as long as possible. And if you can’t, at least use a mask as often as possible to stop from infecting others.

I hope the testing situation gets way better, fast.


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Re: The Xbox Series X master plan

I like Microsoft’s vision for gaming. A lot of this sounds familiar to some of what they were trying to do with the Xbox One before they changed all their plans. They wanted to change some of the assumptions about how we should be buying, renting, owning, and playing games, and I was and still am all for it.


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Re: Apple acquires popular weather app Dark Sky and will shut down the Android version

“Our goal has always been to provide the world with the best weather information possible, to help as many people as we can stay dry and safe, and to do so in a way that respects your privacy,” Dark Sky co-founder Adam Grossman writes in the post. “There is no better place to accomplish these goals than at Apple. We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to reach far more people, with far more impact, than we ever could alone.”

And you do that by restricting the app to one platform and cutting off the API? 🤔


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Re: Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories Are a Public Health Hazard

It’s worth putting time and effort into being accurate with the information you share.

Some basic tips:

  1. You should have an idea of the source for the information you’re sharing. If you come across something that seems outrageous, please do a quick search to see if any news organizations you’ve heard of have said anything about it.
  2. If something seems to be a rumor or you aren’t able to verify it, please state that it’s a rumor or unverified if you decide to share it.
  3. Don’t be racist.
  4. Use common sense. It sounds belittling, but I mean it honestly. If something you see on the internet sounds unbelievable, then you probably shouldn’t believe it. At the very least you should do a quick search before sharing.


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