Welcome to the next generation of gaming

Dwayne Harris   ·   About 0 words

Image from theverge.com

From The Verge:

There’s never been a better time to buy a new game console or PC. While consoles have typically been held back by weaker CPUs, spinning hard drives, and average GPU performance, the next-generation PS5 and Xbox Series S / X are promising some big leaps in performance that will put them beyond even average gaming PCs. Nvidia, meanwhile, is claiming it will deliver the “biggest breakthrough in PC gaming since 1999” with its new RTX 3000 series of graphics cards.

I mostly played Xbox in the 360/PS3 era, and then I switched to PS4 instead of sticking with Xbox One last gen. About 2 years ago I bought a gaming PC and basically stopped playing consoles, but I have definitely been keeping an eye on what Microsoft and Sony are doing.

Xbox Series S info leaked yesterday, and everybody’s sounding real excited. $299 sounds like a really good deal for those specs to me. I think Sony is gonna struggle on price, but it’s obvious the competition has been good for consumers.

I just picked up an RTX 2070 a few weeks ago so I’ve been curious about ray tracing really taking off (especially now that the 3000 series are out). But it’s good to know the stuff I’ve been excited about for PCs are coming to the consoles too. It sounds like a great generation for PC, Xbox, and Playstation gamers. 1

  1. I’m hoping Nintendo has a little more coming than just a Switch update for 4k resolution. ↩︎

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