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Container Queries in Web Components
Container Queries are one of the most anticipated new features in CSS. I recently got a chance to play with them a bit and take the new syntax for a spin.
I came up with this demo of a book store. Each of the books is draggable and can be moved to one of three sections, with varying available space. Depending on where it is placed, different styles will be applied to the book. The full source code is up on Codepen. Here’s how it looks:
This demo currently only works in Chrome Canary. Download the latest version, then enable Container Queries under chrome://flags to see them in action.
Here’s what’s going on
Permalink to “Here’s what’s going on”Each of these books is a custom element, or “web component”. They each contain a cover image, a title and an author. In markup they look like this:
<book-element color="#ba423d">
<img slot="cover" src="/books/1984.avif" alt="cover by shepard fairey" />
<span slot="title">1984</span>
<span slot="author">George Orwell</span>
This then gets applied to a template which defines the internal Shadow DOM of the component. The <slot>
elements in there will get replaced by the actual content we’re passing in.
<template id="book-template">
<article class="book">
<div class="front">
<slot name="cover"></slot>
<div class="meta">
<h2 class="title"><slot name="title"></slot></h2>
<p class="author"><slot name="author"></slot></p>
Alright, nothing too fancy yet, just some basic structure.
The magic happens when we apply some internal styling to this. Everything inside that <style>
tag will be scoped to the component - and since styles can not leak out of the shadow DOM and we can’t (easily) style its contents from the outside, we have real component encapsulation.
Container Queries are one of the last few missing puzzle pieces in component-driven design. They enable us to give components intrinsic styles, meaning they can adapt themselves to whatever surroundings they are placed in.
The new key property there is container-type
- it lets us define an element as a container to compare container queries against. A value of inline-size
indicates that this container will response to “dimensional queries on the inline axis”, meaning we will apply different styles based on its width.
We can also give our container a name using the container-name
property. It is optional in this example, but you can think of it in the same way that grid-area
lets you define arbitrary names to use as references in your code later.
<template id="book-template">
/* Use Web Component Root as the Layout Container */
:host {
display: block;
container-type: inline-size;
container-name: book;
In the bookstore demo, I created three variants that depend on the width of the component’s :host
(which translates to the <book-element>
itself). I’ve omitted some of the styling for brevity here, but this part is where we define the multi-column or 3D book styles.
/* Small Variant: Simple Cover + Title */
@container (max-width: 199px) {
.book {
padding: 0;
/* Medium Variant: Multi-Column, with Author */
@container (min-width: 200px) and (max-width: 399px) {
.book {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
gap: 1rem;
/* Large Variant: 3D Perspective */
@container (min-width: 400px) {
.book {
position: relative;
transform-style: preserve-3d;
transform: rotateY(-25deg);
By adding Dragula.js to enable drag-and-drop functionality, we can then move the individual components around. As soon as they’re moved to a different section in the DOM, its internal styles are re-calculated to match the new environment, and the corresponding CSS block is applied. Magic!
The Bento Box Idea
Permalink to “The Bento Box Idea”Now theoretically, we could have achieved a similar effect by using the cascade itself. We could for example apply the 3D styles to all .book
s inside .stage
. But that would have some problems:
- it wouldn’t be responsive - if
ever gets too narrow, it would break - it would create an unwanted dependency context between parent and child
- it would break component encapsulation and mix layout with content styles
It’s generally a good idea in CSS to separate “layout” from “content” components and let each handle their own specific areas of responsibility. I like to think of Japanese bento boxes as a metaphor for this: a container divided into specific sections that can be filled with anything.
For example, the layout for our bookstore looks like this:
It’s a grid divided into three sections, the middle one containing a nested flexible grid itself.
<div class="layout">
<div class="stage"></div>
<main class="content">
<ul class="itemlist"></ul>
<div class="cart"></div>
/* main layout sections */
.cart {
padding: var(--spacing);
/* nested sub-grid */
.itemlist {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px, 1fr));
gap: var(--spacing);
/* desktop layout */
@media (min-width: 1024px) {
.layout {
height: 100vh;
grid-template-columns: 480px 1fr 130px;
The parts of the layout are only concerned with the alignment and dimensions of boxes. They have no effect whatsoever on their children other than giving them a certain amount of space to fill. Just like a bento box, it doesn’t care what we put into it, so we could easily re-use the layout for a completely different product. It is content-agnostic.
That’s why Container Queries pair so well with Web Components. They both offer ways to encapsulate logic to build smart, independent building blocks. Once they’re defined, they can be used anywhere.
Container Queries bring us one step closer to “Intrinsic Layouts” and a future of truly independent, component-driven design. Exciting stuff ahead!
Further Reading
Permalink to “Further Reading”- CSS Container Queries - MDN
- Container Queries Explainer & Proposal - Miriam Suzanne
- Component-level art direction with CSS Container Queries - Sara Soueidan
- Discussion about Container Queries in srcset and sizes - CSSWG on Github
Asset Pipelines in Eleventy
"Asset Pipeline" is a fancy way of describing a process that compiles CSS, Javascript or other things you want to transform from a bunch of sources to a production-ready output file.
While some static site generators have a standardized way of handling assets, Eleventy does not. That’s a good thing - it gives you the flexibility to handle this any way you want, rather than forcing an opinionated way of doing things on you that might not fit your specific needs.
That flexibility comes at a price though: you need to figure out your preferred setup first. I’ve tinkered with this a lot, so I wanted to share my learnings here. BTW: My personal setup “Eleventastic” is also available on Github.
The most common requirement for an asset pipeline is to build CSS and Javascript. That process can have different flavors - maybe you need to compile your stylesheets through Sass or PostCSS? Maybe you want Tailwind? Maybe your Javascript is “transpiled” in Babel (translated from modern ES6 to the more compatible ES5 syntax) or bundled by webpack? Or maybe you want to do something entirely different, like build SVG icon sprites or optimize images?
Whatever you want to achieve, it usually involves plugging some tool into your Eleventy workflow. I’ve looked at several ways to tackle that problem - here are a few possible approaches you can take.
NPM scripts for everything
Permalink to “NPM scripts for everything”One solution is to let Eleventy handle just the SSG part (producing HTML) and define other processes to take care of your assets outside of it. The most common way to do this is through npm scripts. If you’re not familiar with these, they are essentially shortcuts to run node commands, defined in your package.json
Some examples using this approach:
- Hylia by Andy Bell
- 11ty-netlify-jumpstart by Stephanie Eckles
- pack11ty by Nicolas Hoizey
So if you wanted to i.e. compile your CSS from a bunch of Sass files, you could set up your NPM scripts like this:
// package.json
"scripts": {
"watch:sass": "sass --watch _src/sass:_site/assets/styles",
"build:sass": "sass _src/sass:_site/assets/styles",
"watch:eleventy": "eleventy --serve",
"build:eleventy": "eleventy",
"start": "npm-run-all build:sass --parallel watch:eleventy watch:sass",
"build": "npm-run-all build:eleventy build:sass"
The watch:sass
and build:sass
scripts here both run the Sass compilation command, just with a different configuration depending on context.
With utilities like npm-run-all
, you can even run multiple scripts at once. So one “main command” like npm start
will run Eleventy and simultaneously start watching your Sass files for changes, and recompile them when they do.
This solution is extremely flexible. There are node tools for everything, and there’s no limit to what you can do. However depending on how complex your build is, the setup can get a bit unwieldy. If you want to manage multiple asset pipelines that have to run in a specific order with a specific configuration, it’s not that easy to keep track of things.
And since each of these scripts is a separate process that runs outside of Eleventy, it has no knowledge about any of them. You can tell Eleventy to watch for changes that these external builds cause, but things can get complex if tasks depend on each other. You can also run into situations where multiple passes are required to achieve the desired output, and since Eleventy can’t optimize for processes outside of itself, large pages can take longer to build.
Manage build tasks with Gulp
Permalink to “Manage build tasks with Gulp”Another popular solution is to use Gulp to manage assets. Although it is not the hottest new tech on the block anymore (pssst: it’s OK to use tools that are older than a week), it’s still a perfect tool for the job: Gulp takes in a bunch of source files, runs them through any transformations you want and spits out static files at the end. Sounds exactly right!
Some examples using this approach:
- by Phil Hawksworth
- 11ty-base by Andy Bell
- Smix Eleventy Starter by Ru Singh
Gulp is a node-based task runner lets you define your asset pipelines as functions in a “Gulpfile” like this:
// Gulpfile.js
const gulp = require('gulp')
const sass = require('gulp-sass')
// define sass compilation task
gulp.task('styles', function() {
return gulp
precision: 10,
outputStyle: 'expanded'
}).on('error', sass.logError)
// define script bundling task
gulp.task('scripts', ...)
// Run the different tasks in the asset pipeline
gulp.task('assets', gulp.parallel('styles', 'scripts', 'icons', 'whatever'))
Then you kick things off from a single npm script like this:
"scripts": {
"assets": "gulp:assets",
"build": "eleventy --serve",
"start": "npm-run-all --parallel build assets"
This is more readable and versatile than npm scripts, but really you’re doing the same thing under the hood. Gulp runs all the different processes behind the scenes and outputs the finished .css
or .js
files into our build folder.
The drawback here is that it locks you into the Gulp world of doing things. You often need gulp-wrapper packages for popular tools (e.g. gulp-sass
instead of node-sass
) to work with the “streaming” nature of it. Plus you’re still running external builds, so all of the pitfalls that come with npm scripts still apply.
One build to rule them all
Permalink to “One build to rule them all”The underlying issue with both these methods is the same: they need external build processes. That’s why some Eleventy setups are going a slightly different route: instead of running asset pipelines on the outside, they teach Eleventy itself to handle them. That way everything runs through a single, integrated process.
Some examples using this approach:
- EleventyOne by Phil Hawskworth
- Supermaya by Mike Riethmuller
- Eleventastic by me
Think of your assets as just another static “page” here. Instead of markdown, a template takes Sass or ES6 as input, and instead of generating HTML, it runs it through a tool like node-sass
or webpack
and outputs CSS or JS.
By leveraging Javascript templates, you can configure Eleventy to process almost any file you want. To use them, first add the 11ty.js
extension to the list of recognized input formats in your .eleventy.js
config file:
// .eleventy.js
module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
// add "11ty.js" to your supported template formats
return {
templateFormats: ['njk', 'md', '11ty.js']
Now you can set up your asset pipeline by making a new template somewhere in your input folder. Let’s call it styles.11ty.js
for example. It could look something like this:
// styles.11ty.js
const path = require('path')
const sass = require('node-sass')
module.exports = class {
// define meta data for this template,
// just like you would with front matter in markdown.
async data() {
return {
permalink: '/assets/styles/main.css',
eleventyExcludeFromCollections: true,
entryFile: path.join(process.cwd(), '/main.scss')
// custom method that runs Sass compilation
// and returns CSS as a string
async compileSass(options) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const callback = (error, result) => {
if (error) reject(error)
else resolve(result.css.toString())
return sass.render(options, callback)
// this function is mandatory and determines the contents of the
// generated output file. it gets passed all our "front matter" data.
async render({ entryFile }) {
try {
return await this.compileSass({ file: entryFile })
} catch (error) {
throw error
The permalink
property here lets you define which file the template generates and where to put it. You can use any type of data as input, then transform it somehow and return it in the render
method. We’ve essentially done the same thing as defining a Sass task in Gulp, but this time it’s part of the Eleventy build itself!
This gives you even more control over the process. For example - if the compilation fails, you can use that information in the build. You can catch errors in the Sass code and display a message as an overlay in Eleventy’s dev server:
Check out the Eleventastic source to see how to achieve this. (HT to “Supermaya” by Mike Riethmuller for the idea)
A single template can also build multiple files this way. Using Eleventy’s pagination
feature, you can i.e. generate different Javascript bundles from different source files:
// scripts.11ty.js
const ENTRY_POINTS = {
app: 'app.js',
comments: 'comments/index.js',
search: 'search/index.js'
module.exports = class {
// again, the data() function does esentially the same
// as defining front matter in a markdown file.
async data() {
return {
// define a custom property "entryPoints" first
entryPoints: ENTRY_POINTS,
// then take each of the files in "entryPoints"
// and process them separately as "bundleName"
pagination: {
data: 'entryPoints',
alias: 'bundleName',
size: 1
// for each bundle, output a different Javascript file
permalink: ({ bundleName }) => `/assets/scripts/${bundleName}.js`,
// keep the scripts.11ty.js itself out of collections
eleventyExcludeFromCollections: true
// a custom helper function that will be called with
// each separate file the template processes.
async compileJS(bundleName) {
const entryPoint = path.join(process.cwd(), ENTRY_POINTS[bundleName])
// do compilation stuff inhere like
// run file through webpack, Babel, etc
// and return the result as a string
// --- omitted for brevity ---
return js
// output the compiled JS as file contents
render ({ bundleName }) {
try {
return await this.compileJS(bundleName)
} catch (err) {
return null
I personally prefer the fully-integrated way of doing things, because it’s easier for my brain to think of assets this way. HTML, CSS, JS, SVG: it’s all handled the same. However, your personal preference might differ. That’s OK - there really is no “right way” of doing this.
The beauty of unopinionated tools like Eleventy is that you get to choose what fits you best. If it works, it works! 😉
Medium-Style Share Highlights in Eleventy
I took a stab at building a plugin for Eleventy that lets me highlight selected pieces of text and provide users with an easy way to share them.
This feature was first made popular by Medium, where authors can pick a “top highlight” in a post and hovering it will show a tooltip with sharing options. I wanted something like this for independent blogging too, so I came up with a custom solution.
Here’s how that looks in action:
How it works
Permalink to “How it works”The base of this feature is a <mark>
tag wrapped in a custom <share-highlight>
If the Web Share API is supported (currently in Safari, Edge and Android Chrome), clicking the element will bring up your share options and insert the quoted text and a link to the current page. You can share it on any platform that registers as a share target.
If the API is not supported, the component will fall back to sharing on Twitter via tweet intent URL. The tooltip will show the Twitter icon and clicking the highlight opens a new tab with a pre-filled tweet:
How to use it
Permalink to “How to use it”If you want to use this on your own site, follow these steps. (keep in mind that this is an early version though, and there are probably still some issues to sort out.)
- Download the plugin with NPM by running
npm i eleventy-plugin-share-highlight --save
on the command line in your project’s root folder (where the package.json file is). - Add the plugin to your
configuration file:
// .eleventy.js
const pluginShareHighlight = require('eleventy-plugin-share-highlight');
module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(pluginShareHighlight, {
// optional: define the tooltip label.
// will be "Share this" if omitted.
label: "Teilen"
- This will register the
shortcode. You can use it in your templates or markdown files like this:
<!-- -->
{% highlight %}Here's some highlighted text you can share!{% endhighlight %}
This will highlight the containing text in a <mark>
tag and wrap it in the custom element <share-highlight>
. So the output HTML will look something like this:
<share-highlight label="Share this">
<mark>Here's some highlighted text you can share!</mark>
If Javascript or Custom Elements are not supported, or if your post is displayed e.g. in an RSS reader, the <mark>
tag will still be valid and give the highlighted text the correct semantics.
- To further enhance that with the instant sharing function, you need to add the custom element definition first. Depending on your setup, you can either include that as part of a bundle by importing it directly:
import 'eleventy-plugin-share-highlight/share-highlight'
…or copy the file and add it directly to your HTML with something like:
<script src="/js/share-highlight.js" async defer></script>
- To style the highlight, add this piece of CSS and customize it to match your design:
/* general styles for text highlight */
mark {
background-color: yellow;
/* styling if webcomponent is supported */
share-highlight {
/* default state */
--share-highlight-text-color: inherit;
--share-highlight-bg-color: yellow;
/* hover/focus state */
--share-highlight-text-color-active: inherit;
--share-highlight-bg-color-active: orange;
/* tooltip */
--share-highlight-tooltip-text-color: white;
--share-highlight-tooltip-bg-color: black;
Accessibility Considerations
Permalink to “Accessibility Considerations”This is my first Eleventy plugin and also my first web component. I’m fairly confident that the Eleventy part is sound, but I don’t have much experience with web components, and I have some concerns.
My biggest issue with this is accessibility. I want the element to be keyboard-accessible, so I made it focusable and added keyboard listeners to trigger it with the Enter key. The tooltip label also doubles as the aria-label
property for the component, but I don’t quite know how screenreaders handle custom elements with no inherent semantics.
I guess the cleanest option would be to use an actual <button>
to trigger the share action, but I also need the element to be inline-level, so the highlighting doesn’t break text flow.
If you know your way around webcomponents and have a suggestion on how to improve this thing, please feel free to submit a PR!
Space Jam
The iconic 1996 "Space Jam" website was recently relaunched to promote the new movie. Thankfully, the developers still kept the old site around to preserve its intergalactic legacy.
It’s not often that a website stays up mostly unchanged for 25 years. So out of curiosity, I ran a quick check on both sites.
Unsurprisingly, the new site is a lot heavier than the original: with 4.673KB vs. 120KB, the new site is about 39 times the size of the old one. That’s because the new site has a trailer video, high-res images and a lot more Javascript:
This is keeping with the general trend of websites growing heavier every year, with the average site weighing in at around 1.900KB now.
But since our connection speeds and device capabilities are significantly better now - that’s fine. Everything is way faster now than it was back in the days of Michael Jordan’s first Looney Tunes adventure.
Is it though? Let’s find out.
Party like it’s 1996
Permalink to “Party like it’s 1996”1996 was a different time. The Spice Girl’s “Wannabe” was in anti-shock discmans everywhere, and the most common network connection was 56k dial-up modems. So of course the original developers had a smaller performance budget to work with, and the site is much lighter. Fair enough - so how long did it take to load the original Space Jam site back then?
I ran a webpagetest with a simulated '96 connection: dial-up on an average desktop computer. Dial-up had a maximum speed of 56 kbit/s, but in reality it came in at something around 40-50 kbit/s.
Here’s how that looked (fire up the dial-up noise in another tab for the full experience):
Test Summary | Film Strip View
We can see the first content (the “press box shuttle” menu item) after 4 seconds. The other menu items -all separate GIF images- come in slowly after that. Since the HTML renders as soon as it is parsed, you could theoretically already click on the items before the rest of the page has finished though. The whole site is done after 28.1 seconds in this test.
Back to the Future: 2021
Permalink to “Back to the Future: 2021”Now let’s look at the current, futuristic state of the web. Luckily we don’t use dial-up anymore. The most common connection these days is a mobile 3G network, and the most common device is an Android phone (a Moto G4 in this test). A typical 3G connection comes in at around 1.5 Mbp/s, so it is roughly 30 times faster than dial-up. This shouldn’t take long:
Test Summary | Film Strip View
Funnily enough, the first meaningful paint also shows up after about 4 seconds. It’s not actual content though, it’s the loading screen, informing us that we’ve now loaded 0% of the site.
We reach 100% at 12 seconds, but the first real piece of content is not rendered until 21.5 seconds: it’s a youtube video in a modal window. The site is finally ready after 26.8 seconds, although actually playing the video would take some more loading time.
Permalink to “Results”Right. So after 25 years of technological progress, after bringing 4.7 billion people in the world online, after we just landed a fifth robot on Mars, visiting the Space Jam website is now 1.3 seconds faster. That seems… underwhelming.
I know that this is just a movie promo site. And of course the requirements for a website are different now - people expect rich content. But I think this speaks to a larger point:
We just keep filling the available space, jamming up the pipes in the process so nothing actually gets faster. Well, at least the dial-up sound is gone now.
Webmention Analytics
I'm a fan of webmentions. I've written about how to use them before, and I'm quite happy with having them on my site.
However, it can get difficult to see what’s going on with them - especially if there’s a lot of “background noise”. Many sites just scrape content from well-known blogs and republish it for SEO juice. If that content includes a link to your site, it can lead to webmention spam.
Unlike on social media, you also don’t get notifications or reports about incoming webmentions. You’re just handed a bunch of raw data to use however you like. That’s part of the beauty of the Indieweb though: you can tailor it to whatever suits you best.
I recently started playing around with the data I get from to see if it could be displayed in a more meaningful way. The result is a new side project I call:
✨✨✨ Webmention Analytics ✨✨✨
You can see it in action in this demo on my site.
I built this with Eleventy and Netlify, mainly because that’s my favorite tech stack to tinker with. But for analytics that don’t have to be real-time, static site generators are actually a really good fit.
Expensive computations like parsing and analyzing 8000+ data points like this can be run once a day through a periodic build hook. The reports it generates are then instantly available to the user, while still being up-to-date enough.
Permalink to “Features”- group webmention data by month
- overview of webmentions by type (like, reply, repost, mention, bookmark…) and day
- show top source URLs sending webmentions to your site
- show top target URLs on your site receiving webmentions
- show top tweets generating webmentions through
- check incoming webmentions against a blocklist of known “content scrapers” and spam domains
- automatic daily updates with cron job
Get your own instance!
Permalink to “Get your own instance!”If you also use to show webmentions on your site, you can fork the code on Github and make your own instance of webmention-analytics
. Just follow the instructions in the README to get started.
Keep in mind that this is still a very early version of a weekend side project, so there's probably a few things to iron out. Cheers!