Reading List

The most recent articles from a list of feeds I subscribe to.

5 Essential VIM Plugins That Greatly Increase my Productivity

There are a lot of VIM plugins to choose from. An individual's list of what would be considered "essential" is largely a personal matter. For any given plugin, there is also probably going to be an excellent alternative plugin that does the same…

It is Tiny. One Week Developing With an 11" MacBook Air

For as long as I can remember, all of my computer upgrades have been "bigger and badder." Outside of moving from a FULL ATX DESKTOP WORKSTATION to a laptop, Moore's law has played out nicely. Every few years I'd get something bigger and better. Not…

VIM Adventures: A Fun Way to Pick up Some Basic Skills

Vim Adventures is a fun browser based game that teaches basic VIM skills while adventuring. It is kind of silly, and can be a bit... frustrating... but that is the point. This is VIM after all! No pain, no gain ;)

Getting to Know VIM

It's like coming full circle. When I was first introduced to computers, they very much resembled what I see in Terminal today. I've always had a distinct fondness for the command line interface. That said, when I started using computers…

Using Custom Jasmine Matchers to Make Unit Tests More Readable

Image from purplemattfish I'm a stickler for the "single assertion per test" guideline. One of the pillars of good unit tests is readability. Multiple asserts undermine this principle and make tests that are more difficult to read, understand, and…