Reading List

The most recent articles from a list of feeds I subscribe to.

Delete the Timestamps from your Static Blog

I build this blog using Hugo, a popular static site generator. The way Hugo works is that when I create a new blog post, Hugo generates a default template that looks like this: --- title: "My New Post" date: 2024-11-16T20:33:09-04:00 --- The boilerplate for the post contains a publication time with a timestamp. But the timestamp obviously isn’t the time that I published the post, as I’ve just started writing it.

Creating a Nix Workflow to Fuzz netconsd

Recently, when I’m having trouble sleeping, I look for software to fuzz test. Earlier this week, I thought back to Fady Othman’s post “Meta Bug Bounty — Fuzzing ’netconsd’ for fun and profit.” It’s a good tutorial about fuzzing code exhaustively. Like most fuzzing blog posts, I found the work a bit difficult to reproduce because it requires the reader to figure out how to replicate the author’s environment and toolchain.

Git Cheat Sheet

A quick reference guide with the most commonly used Git commands for version control.

Maneten - en novell i tre meningar

Jag har lärt mig svenska mer intensivt på sistone, och nu tänker jag att tiden har kommit för mig att skriva mer på språket. Jag bestämde mig för att skriva en kopia av min allra första novell, som jag skrev på ryska när jag var liten i Ukraina:

Social media platforms should make it easier to add alternative text using an [Alt: description] syntax

Adding alternative texts to images on social platforms is not a “nice thing to have” but important to not lock people out. That’s why it is a shame that it is quite tricky to do it across different platforms. Personally I use Twitter, BlueSky, Mastodon and LinkedIn and the following video shows just how much […]