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Some notes on using esbuild


I’ve been writing more frontend code in the last year or two – I’ve been making a bunch of little Vue projects. (for example nginx playground, sql playground, this dns lookup tool, and a couple of others)

My general approach to frontend development has been pretty “pretend it’s 2005” – I usually have an index.html file, a script.js file, and then I do a <script src="script.js"> and that’s it. You can see an example of that approach here.

This has been working mostly ok for me, but sometimes I run into problems. So I wanted to talk about one of those problems, a solution I found (esbuild!), and what I needed to learn to solve the problem (some very basic facts about how npm builds work).

Some of the facts in this post might be wrong because still I don’t understand Javascript build systems that well.

problem 1: libraries that tell you to npm install them

Sometimes I see Javascript libraries that I’m interested in using, and they have installation instructions like this:

npm install vue-jcrop

and code examples to use the library that look like this:

import { Jcrop } from 'vue-jcrop';

Until last week, I found this completely mystifying – I had no idea what import was doing and I didn’t understand how to use libraries in that way.

I still don’t totally understand but I understand a tiny bit more now and I will try to explain what I’ve learned.

problem 2: I don’t understand frontend build tools

Of course, the obvious way to solve problem 1 is to use Vue.js the “normal” way where I install it with npm and use Vite or vue-cli-service or whatever.

I’ve used those tools before once or twice – there’s this project generator called vue create which will set up everything for you properly, and it totally works.

But I stopped using those tools and went back to my old <script src="script.js"> system because I don’t understand what those vue-cli-service and vite are doing and I didn’t feel confident that I could fix them when they break. So I’d rather stick to a setup that I actually understand.

I think the reason vue-cli-service is so confusing to me is that it’s actually doing many different things – I think it:

  • compiles Vue templates
  • runs Babel (??)
  • does type checking for Typescript (if you’re using typescript)
  • does all of the above with webpack which I will not try to explain much because I don’t understand it, I think it’s a system with a million plugins that does a million things
  • probably some other things I’m forgetting or don’t even know about

If I were working on a big frontend project I’d probably use those tools whether or not I understood them because they do useful things. But I haven’t been using them.

esbuild: a simple way to resolve imports

Okay! Let’s get to the point of the post!

Recently I learned about esbuild which is a new JS build tool written in Go. I’m excited about it because it lets me use imports in my code without using a giant build pipeline that I don’t understand. I’m also used to the style of command-line tools written in Go so it feels more “natural” to me than other tools written in Javascript do.

Basically esbuild can resolve all the imports and then bundle everything into 1 big file.

So let’s say I want to use vue in my library. I can get it working by doing these 4 steps:

step 1: install the library I want

npm install vue or whatever.

step 2: import it in script.js

import Vue from 'vue';

step 3: run esbuild to bundle it

$ esbuild script.js  --bundle --minify  --outfile=bundle.js

step 4: add a <script src='bundle.js'>;

Then I need to replace all of my script tags with just one script (<script src="bundle.js">) in my HTML, and everything should just work, right?

This all seemed very simple and I was super excited about this, but…

problem 3: it didn’t work

I was really excited about this, but when I tried it (import Vue from 'vue'), it didn’t work! I was really baffled by this, but I was eventually able to figure it out with some help from people who understood Javascript. (spoiler: it wasn’t esbuild’s fault!)

To understand why my import didn’t work, I needed to learn a little bit more about how frontend packaging works. So let’s talk about that.

First, I was getting this error message in the JS console (which of course I didn’t see until the 20th time I looked at the console)

[Vue warn]: You are using the runtime-only build of Vue where the template compiler is not available. Either pre-compile the templates into render functions, or use the compiler-included build.

This was bad, because I was compiling my Vue templates at runtime, so I definitely needed the template compiler. So I just needed to convince esbuild to give me the version of Vue with the template compiler. But how?

frontend libraries can have many different build artifacts

Apparently frontend libraries often have many different build artifacts! For example, here are all of the different Vue build artifacts I have on my computer, excluding the minified versions:

$ ls node_modules/vue/dist | grep -v min

I think the different options being expressed here are:

  • dev vs prod (how verbose are the error messages?)
  • runtime vs not-runtime (does it include a template compiler?)
  • whatever the difference between vue.js vs vue.esm.js vs vue.common.js is (something about ES6 modules vs CommonJS???)

how the build artifact usually gets chosen: webpack or something

I think the way Vue.js usually chooses which Vue version import uses is through a config file called vue.config.ts

As far as I can tell, this usually gets processed through some code in this file that looks like this:

              ? 'vue/dist/vue.esm.js'
              : 'vue/dist/vue.runtime.esm.js'

Even though I have no idea how Webpack works, this is pretty helpful! It’s saying that if I want the runtime compiler, I need to use vue.esm.js intead of vue.runtime.esm.js. I can do that!

what build artifact is esbuild loading?

I also double checked which version of Vue esbuild is loading using strace, because I love strace:

I made a file called blah.js that looks like this:

import Vue from 'vue';

const app = new Vue()

and saw which files it opened, like this: (you have to scroll right to see the filenames)

$ strace -e openat -f  esbuild blah.js  --bundle --outfile=/dev/null
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/home/bork/work/mess-with-dns/frontend/package.json", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/home/bork/work/mess-with-dns/frontend/blah.js", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/home/bork/work/mess-with-dns/frontend/node_modules/vue/package.json", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/home/bork/work/mess-with-dns/frontend/node_modules/vue/dist/vue.runtime.esm.js", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3

It looks like it just opens package.json and vue.runtime.esm.js. package.json has this main key, which must be what’s directing esbuild to load vue.runtime.esm.js. I guess that’s part of the ES6 modules spec or something.

  "main": "dist/vue.runtime.common.js",

importing the template compiler version of Vue fixed everything

Importing the version of Vue with the template compiler was very simple in the end, I just needed to do

import Vue from 'vue/dist/vue.esm.js'

instead of

import Vue from 'vue'

and then esbuild worked! Hooray! Now I can just put that esbuild incantation in a bash script which is how I run all my builds for tiny projects like this.

npm install gives you all the build artifacts

This is a simple thing but I didn’t really understand it before – it seems like npm install vue:

  1. the package maintainer runs npm run build at some point and then publishes the package to the NPM registry
  2. npm install downloads the Vue source into node_modules, as well as the build artifacts

I think that’s right?

npm run build can run any arbitrary program, but the convention seems to be for it to create build artifacts that end up in node_modules/vue/dist. Maybe the dist folder is standardized by npm somehow? I’m not sure.

not every NPM package has a dist/ directory

There’s a cool NPM package called friendly-words from Glitch. If I run npm install friendly-words, it doesn’t have a dist/ directory.

It was explained to me that this is because this a package intended to be run on the backend, so it doesn’t package itself into a single Javascript file build artifact in the same way. Instead it just loads files from disk at runtime – this is basically what it does:

$ cat node_modules/friendly-words/index.js 
const data = require('./generated/words.json');

exports.objects = data.objects;
exports.predicates = data.predicates;
exports.teams = data.teams;
exports.collections = data.collections;

people seem to prefer import over require for frontend code

Here’s what I’ve understood about import vs require so far:

  • there are two ways to use import / require, you can do a build step to collapse all the imports and put everything into one file (which is what I’m doing), or you can do the imports/requires at runtime
  • browsers can’t do require at runtime, only import. This is because require loads the code synchronously
  • there are 2 standards (CommonJS and ES6 modules), and that require is CommonJS and import is ES6 modules.
  • import seems to be a lot more restricted than require in general (which is good)

I think this means that I should use import and not require in my frontend code.

it’s exciting to be able to do imports

I’m pretty excited to be able to do imports in a way that I actually almost understand for the first time. I don’t think it’s going to make that big of a difference to my projects (they’re still very small!).

I don’t understand everything esbuild is doing, but it feels a lot more approachable and transparent than the Webpack-based tools that I’ve used previously.

The other thing I like about esbuild is that it’s a static Go binary, so I feel more confident that I’ll be able to get it to work in the future than with tool written in Javascript, just because I understand the Javascript ecosystem so poorly. And it’s super fast, which is great.