Reading List
Bookmarks of 2018 from Oh Hello Ana RSS feed.
Bookmarks of 2018
A while back Twitter stopped allowing users to access all their likes unless they paid for it. This means that I have officially lost access to things I liked. Before they released their bookmark feature, I was using the "likes" feature as a bookmark to read later. I know it wasn't ideal and it was pretty lazy of me and it obviously backfired. I clearly haven't learnt my lessons and I started to use their bookmark feature instead of something else. If I learnt anything from this experience is that I shouldn't completely trust this free feature.
As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, some people started to post their bookmarks on their website to save them forever. I like that idea but I wouldn't necessarly like to see the exact same implementation on my blog and social media accounts. In my old blogs I used to have "link packs" similar to what Swiss Miss has in their blog and I also enjoy newsletters that do the same. I like to have time to read things and leave my own comments and be in control of how it looks like in my blog.
Because of all this, I decided to do a clean up of my Twitter bookmarks. I know I have other bookmarks spread around my browser and slack and I will try to include those in this post too. From now on, I intend to do link packs every week or every two weeks and will add those to my bookmarks collection page (this page is a work in progress).
(some) Bookmarks of 2018
- Simple Demo of Vertical Centering - Simple demo of vertical centering by Jen Simmons.
- Apart from Code - by Amber Wilson
- How to preload Google Fonts using resource hints - by Chris Ashton
- Designing for Inclusion with Media Queries - by Eric Bailey
- Logging Off - by Valerie Woolard Srinivasan
- I dunno - by Brad Frost
- Text Effects Collection - by Mandy Michael
- Resilient, Declarative, Contextual - by Keith J. Grant
- From Pen & Paper to SVG Animations. An Illustration Adventure - by Lisi Linhart
- IndieWeb Guides - by Calum Ryan
- Making Web Apps with React - by Glitch Team
- UI Goodies - by Jess Eddy
- CSS-at - by Yuan Chuan
- I don't believe in full stack engineering - by Robin Rendle
- So you want to speak at tech conferences but you have nothing to talk about… - by Nadia Odunayo
- Road trip - by Malte Ubl
- Real time moon - by Burke Holland
- GeoStack SVG Generator - by Melissa Em
- Data Violence and How Bad Engineering Choices Can Damage Society - by Anna Lauren Hoffmann
- Awesome Resources RoadMap - by Egwuenu Gift
- Why Women Volunteer for Tasks That Don’t Lead to Promotions - by Linda Babcock, Maria P. Recalde and Lise Vesterlund
- What walls are for - by Leisa Reichelt
- Limitation breeds creativity - by Cassie Evans
- The history of the web - by Jay Hoffmann
- On Toxic Jobs, Low Self-Esteem, & Interviewing - by Rachel Thomas
- The Complete Illustrated Flexbox Tutorial - by JavaScript Teacher
- Site credits list - by Joel Andrew Glovier
- A11y Wins - by Marcy Sutton
- Accessibility Cheatsheet - Moritz Gießmann
- NES-style CSS Framework - by @bc_rikko
Between all these there were a lot of favourited tweets, codepens, videos, instagrams. So many. I know I missed quite a few bookmarks too. Hopefully by having a weekly or bi-weekly compilation I can be more granular and also share lots of content not related to web development.