Reading List
February bookmarks from Oh Hello Ana RSS feed.
February bookmarks
February was a complete write-off for me. It wasn't a good month but to my surprise I bookmarked a lot of things in the first two weeks of it. I also created an account in TikTok as if I don't waste enough time already looking at memes.
Bookmarks from February
- Why We Need to Talk About—and Recognize—Representation Burnout - by Martha Tesema.
- Don’t feel like an expert? Share anyway. - by Sara Wachter-Boettcher
- Exclusive Design - by Vasilis van Gemert
- Your digital identity has three layers, and you can only protect one of them - by Katarzyna Szymielewicz
- Accessibility Reviews - by Adrian Roselli and Tobie Langel
- ASCII renderer - by Tommy Li
- Tokimeki Unfollow - by Julius Tarng
- TRUST the Process: How to present your best, when you’re at your worst - by Tatiana Mac
- These Comics About Work Anxieties Are Painfully Real - compilation by Arianna Rebolini and comics by Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy
- The end of the celebrity designer - by Tim Van Damme
- A web of anxiety: accessibility for people with anxiety and panic disorders [Part 1] - by David Swallow
- A web of anxiety: accessibility for people with anxiety and panic disorders [Part 2] - by David Swallow
- "My background pattern resources" - by Wes Bos
- Statistics - Children and Young people victims of crime and violence 2013-2017 (in Portuguese) - by APAV (Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima)
- Web Components Club - by Andy Bell
- The "C" is for accessibility - by Evangelina Ferreira
- Progressive Vue Toggle - by Andy Bell
- CSS Reference - by Jeremy Thomas
- Complete guide to accessible video and audio for the web - by Stefany Newman
- Let's bring Fan Sites and webrings back! - by Bryan Robinson
- Awesome Leadership and Management - by Lauri Apple
- Your words are wasted - by Scott Hanselman
- The Best Way to Ride Out Air Turbulence - by Cynthia Drescher
- Using persona profiles to test accessibility - by Anika Henke
- MIDI CITY 2000 - by Monica Dinculescu
- You guys - by Baron Schwartz
- CSS Doodle - by Yuan Chuan
- Front end wizard - by Kieran Venison
- Pure CSS Still Life - Water and Lemons - by Ben Evans
- "TIL" RSS Feed - by Sara Soueidan
- Quick Note on high contrast mode - by Scott O'Hara
- CSS Night Cat - by Steve Gardner
- Ryan Adams, misogyny and “sensitive” masculinity - by Anna Leszkiewicz
- Slapping Back Imposter Syndrome - by Alice Goldfuss
- Micrometa 2 demo page - by Joschi Kuphal
- Look Ma, No Media Queries! Responsive Layouts Using CSS Grid - by Juan Martín García
- The Colors of Motion
- CSS selectors cheatsheet - by Nana
- IndieKit - by Paul Robert Lloyd
- Using CSS Grid the right way - by Violet Peña