Reading List

Week 459 / Still here from RSS feed.

Week 459 / Still here

We're on monthly updates now, because a month is about the right amount of time to feel anything happening. San Francisco is still in shelter in place through May. I have been nowhere and done nothing.

This last month:

  • Enjoying the Left Right Game podcast. A lot of the radio plays I listen to are a bit am-dram, but this one feels very professional (the ads are for expensive Bose soundsystems, so...) but I like the story. It's sort of horror/mystery about a missing woman and the podcast she was recording in America.
  • I'm getting really good at Beat Saber but I have so far injured: my right shoulder, my neck, both wrists and given a toe a blister somehow?
  • Now that my daily routine is largely my own to construct, I've learned that I like working in the mornings (a fixed daily 8am meeting helps) and I can be very productive up until lunchtime with proper work-work and I can churn out things much more quickly than at any other time of the day. Afternoons I hate, they just go on forever and make me antsy and all I want to do is nap, but I can do manual things (like gardening or cleaning) pretty happily. Evenings are best for creative jobs or future-planning jobs.
  • I've always known that's my preferred pattern of work, but being in an office has never allowed me to fully live it.
  • I may never be able to work in an office again.
  • Started attending John Muir Laws' live weekly nature drawing workshops online. A couple friends zoom-in too, so we can back-channel, adding that "sitting in the back of the class" vibe I needed.
  • I've restarted my hydroponic box and got a second small one. Growing: Dwarf peas, basil, coriander, wild strawberries, chives, chilies, lettuce and oregano. Probably a bit late to feel the benefits in lock down (maybe?).
  • Alex and I had a wedding anniversary. 7 years! Blimey!
  • Monica finally released the game that she made, that I illustrated. It's cute in every way: Make a song together.