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Bonus: More shape shaped shapes from AI Weirdness RSS feed.

Bonus: More shape shaped shapes

The image I shared in my main post isn't one of the more incorrect examples of DALL-E3 generated guides - it's actually one of the more correct ones.

Here's another generated image from the same prompt.

A grid of cheerful cartoon shapes, each with labels. At the upper left is a correctly labeled circle. At the upper middle is a cube labeled "square". Everything else is even more incorrect. There's some kind of winged diamond surrounded by clouds labeled "circle" and another cube labeled "suare". A hexagon is labeled "recabcle", another is labeled "decangon", and a triangle next to it is labeled "hexxggon". There's a yellow triangle labeled "shapts" and another labeled "suadle". A rainbow-hatted possible pentagon is labeled "sarsle".
Prompt: "Please generate a colorful guide to