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Shaped like information from AI Weirdness RSS feed.

Shaped like information

Hey look, it's a guide to basic shapes!

A grid of colorful shapes with cheerful faces, each labeled with a name. The only correctly labeled shape is a circle at the upper left. The only other correctly spelled shape is "square" at the upper right that unfortunately is labeling a circle. Other labels include chale (a rectangle), tliable (a rectangle), renatle (a hexagon), hectanbie (a triangle), and pso (a two-colored rectangle). Hoboz labels a six-lobed sun shape, and flotn labels an eight-pointed star. Seoisuon appears to be a 3D cube.
Prompt: "Please generate a colorful guide to basic geometric shapes, as an aid to children learning to identify basic shapes."

Not only does it have the basic shapes like circle, tringle, hectanbie, and sqale, it also has some