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Some notes on NixOS from Julia Evans RSS feed.

Some notes on NixOS

Hello! Over the holidays I decided it might be fun to run NixOS on one of my servers, as part of my continuing experiments with Nix.

My motivation for this was that previously I was using Ansible to provision the server, but then I’d ad hoc installed a bunch of stuff on the server in a chaotic way separately from Ansible, so in the end I had no real idea of what was on that server and it felt like it would be a huge pain to recreate it if I needed to.

This server just runs a few small personal Go services, so it seemed like a good candidate for experimentation.

I had trouble finding explanations of how to set up NixOS and I needed to cobble together instructions from a bunch of different places, so here’s a very short summary of what worked for me.

why NixOS instead of Ansible?

I think the reason NixOS feels more reliable than Ansible to me is that NixOS is the operating system. It has full control over all your users and services and packages, and so it’s easier for it to reliably put the system into the state you want it to be in.

Because Nix has so much control over the OS, I think that if I tried to make any ad-hoc changes at all to my Nix system, Nix would just blow them away the next time I ran nixos-rebuild. But with Ansible, Ansible only controls a few small parts of the system (whatever I explicitly tell it to manage), so it’s easy to make changes outside Ansible.

That said, here’s what I did to set up NixOS on my server and run a Go service on it.

step 1: install NixOS with nixos-infect

To install NixOS, I created a new Hetzner instance running Ubuntu, and then ran nixos-infect on it to convert the Ubuntu installation into a NixOS install, like this:

curl | PROVIDER=hetznercloud NIX_CHANNEL=nixos-23.11 bash 2>&1 | tee /tmp/infect.log

I originally tried to do this on DigitalOcean, but it didn’t work for some reason, so I went with Hetzner instead and that worked.

This isn’t the only way to install NixOS (this wiki page lists options for setting up NixOS cloud servers), but it seemed to work. It’s possible that there are problems with installing that way that I don’t know about though. It does feel like using an ISO is probably better because that way you don’t have to do this transmogrification of Ubuntu into NixOS.

I definitely skipped Step 1 in nixos-infect’s README (“Read and understand the script”), but I didn’t feel too worried because I was running it on a new instance and I figured that if something went wrong I’d just delete it.

step 2: copy the generated Nix configuration

Next I needed to copy the generated Nix configuration to a new local Git repository, like this:

scp root@SERVER_IP:/etc/nixos/* .

This copied 3 files: configuration.nix, hardware-configuration.nix, and networking.nix. configuration.nix is the main file. I didn’t touch anything in hardware-configuration.nix or networking.nix.

step 3: create a flake

I created a flake to wrap configuration.nix. I don’t remember why I did this (I have some idea of what the advantages of flakes are, but it’s not clear to me if any of them are actually relevant in this case) but it seems to work. Here’s my flake.nix:

{ inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/23.11";

  outputs = { nixpkgs, ... }: {
    nixosConfigurations.default = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      system = "x86_64-linux";

      modules = [ ./configuration.nix ];

The main gotcha about flakes that I needed to remember here was that you need to git add every .nix file you create otherwise Nix will pretend it doesn’t exist.

The rules about git and flakes seem to be:

  • you do need to git add your files
  • you don’t need to commit your changes
  • unstaged changes to files are also fine, as long as the file has been git added

These rules feel very counterintuitive to me (why require that you git add files but allow unstaged changes?) but that’s how it works. I think it might be an optimization because Nix has to copy all your .nix files to the Nix store for some reason, so only copying files that have been git added makes the copy faster. There’s a GitHub issue tracking it here so maybe the way this works will change at some point.

step 4: figure out how to deploy my configuration

Next I needed to figure out how to deploy changes to my configuration. There are a bunch of tools for this, but I found the blog post Announcing nixos-rebuild: a “new” deployment tool for NixOS that said you can just use the built-in nixos-rebuild, which has --target-host and --build-host options so that you can specify which host to build on and deploy to, so that’s what I did.

I wanted to be able to get Go repositories and build the Go code on the target host, so I created a bash script that runs this command:

nixos-rebuild switch --fast --flake .#default --target-host my-server --build-host my-server --option eval-cache false

Making --target-host and --build-host the same machine is certainly not something I would do for a Serious Production Machine, but this server is extremely unimportant so it’s fine.

This --option eval-cache false is because Nix kept not showing me my errors because they were cached – it would just say error: cached failure of attribute '' instead of showing me the actual error message. Setting --option eval-cache false turned off caching so that I could see the error messages.

Now I could run bash on my laptop and deploy my configuration to the server! Hooray!

step 5: update my ssh config

I also needed to set up a my-server host in my ~/.ssh/config. I set up SSH agent forwarding so that the server could download the private Git repositories it needed to access.

Host my-server
   Hostname MY_IP_HERE
   User root
   Port 22
   ForwardAgent yes

AddKeysToAgent yes

step 6: set up a Go service

The thing I found the hardest was to figure out how to compile and configure a Go web service to run on the server. The norm seems to be to define your package and define your service’s configuration in 2 different files, but I didn’t feel like doing that – I wanted to do it all in one file. I couldn’t find a simple example of how to do this, so here’s what I did.

I’ve replaced the actual repository name with my-service because it’s a private repository and you can’t run it anyway.

{ pkgs ? (import <nixpkgs> { }), lib, stdenv, ... }: 
let myservice = pkgs.callPackage pkgs.buildGoModule {
  name = "my-service";
  src = fetchGit {
    url = "";
    rev = "efcc67c6b0abd90fb2bd92ef888e4bd9c5c50835"; # put the right git sha here
  vendorHash = "sha256-b+mHu+7Fge4tPmBsp/D/p9SUQKKecijOLjfy9x5HyEE"; # nix will complain about this and tell you the right value
}; in { 
  services.caddy.virtualHosts."".extraConfig = ''
    reverse_proxy localhost:8333
  ''; = {
    enable = true;
    description = "my-service";
    after = [""];
    wantedBy = [""];
    script = "${myservice}/bin/my-service";
    environment = {
      DB_FILENAME = "/var/lib/my-service/db.sqlite";
    serviceConfig = {
      DynamicUser = true;
      StateDirectory = "my-service"; # /var/lib/my-service

Then I just needed to do 2 more things:

  1. add ./my-service.nix to the imports section of configuration.nix
  2. add services.caddy.enable = true; to configuration.nix to enable Caddy

and everything worked!!

Some notes on this service configuration file:

  1. I used extraConfig to configure Caddy because I didn’t feel like learning Nix’s special Caddy syntax – I wanted to just be able to refer to the Caddy documentation directly.
  2. I used systemd’s DynamicUser to create a user dynamically to run the service. I’d never used this before but it seems like a great simple way to create a different user for every service without having to write a bunch of repetitive boilerplate and being really careful to choose unique UID and GIDs. The blog post Dynamic Users with systemd talks about how it works.
  3. I used StateDirectory to get systemd to create a persistent directory where I could store a SQLite database. It creates a directory at /var/lib/my-service/

I’d never heard of DynamicUser or StateDirectory before Kamal told me about them the other day but they seem like cool systemd features and I wish I’d known about them earlier.

why Caddy?

One quick note on Caddy: I switched to Caddy a while back from nginx because it automatically sets up Let’s Encrypt certificates. I’ve only been using it for tiny hobby services, but it seems pretty great so far for that, and its configuration language is simpler too.

problem: “fetchTree requires a locked input”

One problem I ran into was this error message:

error: in pure evaluation mode, 'fetchTree' requires a locked input, at «none»:0

I found this really perplexing – what is fetchTree? What is «none»:0? What did I do wrong?

I learned 4 things from debugging this (with help from the folks in the Nix discord):

  1. In Nix, fetchGit calls an internal function called fetchTree. So errors that say fetchTree might actually be referring to fetchGit.
  2. Nix truncates long stack traces by default. Sometimes you can get more information with --show-trace.
  3. It seems like Nix doesn’t always give you the line number in your code which caused the error, even if you use --show-trace. I’m not sure why this is. Some people told me this is because fetchTree is a built in function but – why can’t I see the line number in my nix code that called that built in function?
  4. Like I mentioned before, you can pass --option eval-cache false to turn off caching so that Nix will always show you the error message instead of error: cached failure of attribute ''

Ultimately the problem turned out to just be that I forgot to pass the Github revision ID (rev = "efcc67c6b0abd90fb2bd92ef888e4bd9c5c50835";) to fetchGit which was really easy to fix.

nix syntax is still pretty confusing to me

I still don’t really understand the nix language syntax that well, but I haven’t felt motivated to get better at it yet – I guess learning new language syntax just isn’t something I find fun. Maybe one day I’ll learn it. My plan for now with NixOS is to just keep copying and pasting that my-service.nix file above forever.

some questions I still have

I think my main outstanding questions are:

  • When I run nixos-rebuild, Nix checks that my systemd services are still working in some way. What does it check exactly? My best guess is that it checks that the systemd service starts successfully, but if the service starts and then immediately crashes, it won’t notice.
  • Right now to deploy a new version of one of my services, I need to manually copy and paste the Git SHA of the new revision. There’s probably a better workflow but I’m not sure what it is.

that’s all!

I really do like having all of my service configuration defined in one file, and the approach Nix takes does feel more reliable than the approach I was taking with Ansible.

I just started doing this a week ago and as with all things Nix I have no idea if I’ll end up liking it or not. It seems pretty good so far though!

I will say that I find using Nix to be very difficult and I really struggle when debugging Nix problems (that fetchTree problem I mentioned sounds simple, but it was SO confusing to me at the time), but I kind of like it anyway. Maybe because I’m not using Linux on my laptop right now I miss having linux evenings and Nix feels like a replacement for that :)