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Your guide to the Thanksgiving table from AI Weirdness RSS feed.

Your guide to the Thanksgiving table

So lately I've been getting a kick out of asking DALL-E3 for images labeled with text. They're just good enough to be legible, but yet:

A top down view of many recognizable traditional Thanksgiving foods (mashed potatoes labeled grasted potinos, mashed potatoes labeled granbery sauce, mashed potatoes swimming in gravy (labeled mashed turktees), a bowl of tomato soup (labeled cranbery sause), a roasted turkey (no label), a bowl of plain cranberries (labeled greenrry pans), a slice of pumpkin pie (labeled pumpkin pie)

The food that gets duplicated seems to vary from spread to spread.

An elaborate Thanksgiving spread on a farm style table with artfully scattered pumpkins (including a couple in mugs for some reason) and lots of silverware. The food is uniformly mislabeled/misspelled. Some highlights: A plate of green beans labeled Maaed Potatogs. A pumpkin pie labeled Braebriny Casserle. A crock of stuffling labeled Crabtes. A big round slice of smoked gouda or something labeled Pumplin Rols. A bowl of tiny rolls labeled Mus. A bowl of larger rolls labeled Wee. The turkey is labeled Sniffs.

I also asked DALL-E 3 to do the dessert