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Introducing Mavo: Create web apps entirely by writing HTML! from Lea Verou RSS feed.
Introducing Mavo: Create web apps entirely by writing HTML!
Today I finally released the project I’ve been working on for the last two years at MIT CSAIL: An HTML-based language for creating (many kinds of) web applications without programming or a server backend. It’s named Mavo after my late mother (Maria Verou), and is Open Source of course (yes, getting paid to work on open source is exactly as fun as it sounds).
It was the scariest release of my life, and have been postponing it for months. I kept feeling Mavo was not quite there yet, maybe I should add this one feature first, oh and this other one, oh and we can’t release without this one, surely! Eventually I realized that what I was doing had more to do with postponing the anxiety and less to do with Mavo reaching a stage where it can be released. After all, “if you’re not at least a bit embarrassed by what you release, you waited too long”, right?
So, there it is, I hope you find it useful. Read the post on Smashing Magazine or just head straight to, read the docs, and play with the demos!
And do let me know what you make with it, no matter how small and trivial you may think it is, I would love to see it!