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I slept! And next. from Liza Shulyayeva RSS feed.

I slept! And next.

First of all: Yay for R18+ games in Australia!

Second of all: I slept for 12 about 10 hours last night. Ten hours. That’s like…ten hours more than I usually do. Just kidding…I do sleep, I’ve just been doing less of it lately. I’ve noticed myself getting a little worn out over the past couple of weeks, like the lack of rest has been catching up with me. It’s kind of to be expected with the amount of work that needs to get done around here on top of personal projects. I finished a “thing” just in time to prepare for going away at the beginning of March - now there are lots of loose ends to tie off, work to finish, assistant instructions and client plan to sort out, etc. And a move! Did I mention I’m moving? All the moving out arrangements, cleaning, etc have been driving me nuts. There’s just so much happening at once.