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IJCAI Session Notes: Rebel Agents from Liza Shulyayeva RSS feed.
IJCAI Session Notes: Rebel Agents
What follows is a set of notes I took during two of the IJCAI Goal Reasoning workshop talks, about rebel agents. Both talks were presented by the same speaker and both focused on rebel agents. These talks were quite short and the speaker had to go fast, so I feel like I missed out on a lot of the information I wanted to record. As a result some parts are obviously omitted and more than usual are written from memory today, increasing potential inaccuracies or misinterpretations. Overall the impression I got of rebel agents is that in today’s climate it is a potentially somewhat inflammatory term for a very ethical trait. It seems that, potentially, any agent in a non-trivial domain would have to be a rebel agent and have the ability to go against its instructions in order to be an ethical agent.