Reading List

The most recent articles from a list of feeds I subscribe to.

Your illustrated guide to Christmas carols

Between the two of them, ChatGPT4 can generate the lyrics to Christmas carols, and DALL-E3 can illustrate them!

Throw your old carol books away because this is the only guide you'll need.

12 Days of Christmas

Illustrations in the style of old-timey Christmas cards. Garbled versions of the 12 days of christmas verses accompany the images (Ewe Calling Rings, Two Tresle Doves, 12 Druders Damming, 3 Lods A-Swimming, 14 Event Gold Rings). The illustrations are mostly of unidentifiable birds, most a cross between a dove and a chicken, although there is a cool chicken-budgie in a nightcap and a double-tailed goose. Two of the birds are wearing santa hats which is adorable. There are some Victorian-style people and horses, but it's unclear which verses they are supposed to be. One box is just wall to wall presents.
"Please generate an illustration where each of the 12 days'

Bonus: Jingle all the way

AI Weirdness advent calendar 2023

It's 2023 and the combo of GPT-4/DALL-E3 can generate passable versions of the saccharine Christmas drawings in an advent calendar. They cannot, however, label them correctly. Also sometimes you get sweatermugs. This means the 2023 AI-generated advent calendar is happening!

Full descriptions of every door in the

Bonus: more Christmas scenes

Your guide to the Thanksgiving table

So lately I've been getting a kick out of asking DALL-E3 for images labeled with text. They're just good enough to be legible, but yet:

A top down view of many recognizable traditional Thanksgiving foods (mashed potatoes labeled grasted potinos, mashed potatoes labeled granbery sauce, mashed potatoes swimming in gravy (labeled mashed turktees), a bowl of tomato soup (labeled cranbery sause), a roasted turkey (no label), a bowl of plain cranberries (labeled greenrry pans), a slice of pumpkin pie (labeled pumpkin pie)

The food that gets duplicated seems to vary from spread to spread.

An elaborate Thanksgiving spread on a farm style table with artfully scattered pumpkins (including a couple in mugs for some reason) and lots of silverware. The food is uniformly mislabeled/misspelled. Some highlights: A plate of green beans labeled Maaed Potatogs. A pumpkin pie labeled Braebriny Casserle. A crock of stuffling labeled Crabtes. A big round slice of smoked gouda or something labeled Pumplin Rols. A bowl of tiny rolls labeled Mus. A bowl of larger rolls labeled Wee. The turkey is labeled Sniffs.

I also asked DALL-E 3 to do the dessert