Reading List

The most recent articles from a list of feeds I subscribe to.

EagleFiler 1.9.14

EagleFiler 1.9.14 is a maintenance release for my Mac information organizer app. Some interesting bugs were: EagleFiler uses NSXMLParser to read Evernote’s ENEX files, which it then converts to standard RTF/RTFD files that any app can read. Some customers had files that were causing it to fail with NSXMLParserUndeclaredEntityError even though the referenced entities did […]

Delta Emulator in the App Store

Kyle Orland (MacRumors): Apple’s decision earlier this month to open the iOS App Store to generic retro game emulators is already bearing fruit. Delta launched Wednesday as one of the first officially approved iOS apps to emulate Nintendo consoles from the NES through the N64 and the Game Boy through the Nintendo DS (though unofficial […]

AltStore PAL

Riley Testut: I’m thrilled to announce a brand new version of AltStore — AltStore PAL — is launching TODAY as an Apple-approved alternative app marketplace in the EU. AltStore PAL is an open-source app store made specifically for independent developers, designed to address the problems I and so many others have had with the App […]

Photos Syncing With iCloud Paused

I just ran into an iCloud issue I’d not seen before. Photos on my Mac now shows “Syncing with iCloud Paused. Optimizing System Performance” at the bottom of the photos grid. It’s not clear to me what this means because the Mac is essentially idle and not running on battery power. There’s a Sync Now […]

The Joy of Shortcuts

Jarrod Blundy: I love building shortcuts. I have 579 of them in my personal library at the moment, and I’d guess that I built or modified about half of those at some point or another. Between my HeyDingus Shortcuts Library and my old home on RoutineHub, I’ve shared over 40 of them publicly, thinking that […]