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Progressive Web Apps Dev Summit

This week I had the pleasure of attending the Progressive Web Apps Dev Summit, an event organised by Google in the beautiful city of Amsterdam. These are my takeaways from the event.

The auditorium The screen was immense

Progressive Web Apps: what and why?

What an ‘app’ is, depends on who you ask. When we are talking about apps on mobile devices, they are usually things with specific capabilities. They help users do things, integrate well with device capabilities, can be opened from a home screen and are able to work full screen and offline. At the moment, apps with all those capabilities are usually not mobile websites, but app store apps.

From a technical perspective, there are only a couple of things that separate mobile websites from app store apps. But in terms of user experience, these differences are enough for people to prefer app store apps to web apps.

To solve this UX gap between native and web, Google came up with the concept of Progressive Web Apps. It’s a set of open web standards that lets developers turn their ‘website’ into a ’web app’, in a progressive manner.

What’s a progressive manner? If your site already functions as a website, by adding stuff to it, it can become more app-like. Browsers that don’t support this ‘stuff’ will get what they already got before. Supporting browsers, however, will get the benefits. As an extra. The idea is that over time, more browsers will fall in the supporting browsers bracket. It is a bit like using rounded corners in CSS, knowing that some browsers will take advantage of it, others will ignore it. Users will likely not notice they are missing out, but will get a better experience if they aren’t.

With progressive web apps, we can ‘earn our space on the home screen’ (Alex Russell), ‘stop blaming being offline on the user’ (Jake Archibald) and ‘give the user a page they can interact with faster‘ (Surma). Whereas native apps are things you go out, buy and download, PWAs are basically an up-sell: you download them by visiting the page, and keep them if you like to.

The summit

Google have been great hosts! They drove us to the venue with a shuttle bus, let us in for free, provided lots of fancy food and drinks throughout the two days and used exciting intro tunes between speakers, who presented on a huge wall-to-wall screen. They really are serious about saving the web in its fight against native apps.

It wasn’t just a Google party though. Google sent lots of their developer relations people, but so did others: there were people from all major browser vendors (except Apple) and they even did talks. There were also folks from businesses that built PWAs, such as the Nigerian online marketplace Konga and the Amsterdam-based This made the whole event much more like an open web standards event than a Google marketing event.

New technologies

Progressive Web Apps is not one technology. It is one name for a set of technologies that you can use to progressively expose app-like qualities to go with your regular website. A marketing term, if you will. There were talks about most of the different technologies.

  • Service Workers give developers control over the network, by exposing the decision process for network activity to JavaScript. What they effectively do, is to enable reliable performance: apps can now deal with Lie-Fi or offline connections by serving alternatives (for instance, a cached site). Service Workers can make your site work offline first, as you get to decide how the network requests from your app are handled.
  • The streams and fetch APIs can be used from Service Workers, a good intro to them is Jake Archibald’s blog post or his talk at the dev summit.
  • In the majority of supporting browsers, HTTPS is an important part of progressive web apps, as a lot of the tech (geolocation, getUserMedia, HTTP/2, push notifications) requires it to work. Emily Schechter explained HTTPS brings three security properties: identity (be sure this site really is this site), confidentiality (be sure about who can read your data) and integrity (be sure that nothing can modify your data). HTTPS used to be hard to set up, expensive and slow. It’s now easy to implement, cheap and fast, Emily showed.
  • Push Notifications can provide great benefits for users if applied properly. Owen Campbell-Moore discussed do’s and don’ts: good notifications are timely, relevant and precise. He also discussed the flow of asking users for permission to send notifications. It is important to do this at a good time.
  • By having a manifest file and matching some other criteria, you can now make your app quality for Add to homescreen notifications. What the heuristics are differs per browser / platform. Interestingly, if a user sees ‘Add to homescreen’, they have already downloaded the site. So, as Alex Russell pointed out, the question really means: ‘would you like to keep it?’

Making it better for users

Progressive Web Apps seem to be about making it better for the users, and many of the talks discussed how to do that.

  • UI performance is important, Paul Lewis talked about using things like will-change and debugging by knowing when your code triggers repaints.
  • Surma talked about improving network performance by using Service Worker and HTTP/2.
  • Accessibility is an essential part of delivering a good user experience, as well. Rob Dodson discussed three steps to ensure accessibility: nail the WebAIM WCAG checklist, always be managing focus and provide proper semantics (either with meaningful native elements, or with ARIA). Look at WAI-ARIA best practices.
  • Daniel Appelquist shared an interesting principle about URLs, “the one web principle”: “content provided by accessing a URI yields a thematically coherent experience when accessed from different devices”. It’s useful for all (not the least users) to let a URL always present the same thing, regardless of which device it is accessed from. See also: responsive web design.

Other browser vendors

The event did not just feature speakers from Google, other browser vendors were invited to the stage as well.

  • Ben Kelly from Mozilla talked about how they joined the Service Worker effort in 2014, and focused on parts like security, improving the spec, documenting PWA technologies on the Mozilla Developer Network and making the Service Worker Cookbook.
  • Patrick Kettner shared Microsoft’s perspective. They, too, are very excited about Progressive Web Apps. He also showed how to make a fallback using AppCache (‘it is a douchebag, but it can be a useful fallback’) and talked about IndexedDB and Dexie.js.
  • Opera’s Andreas Bovens showed that Opera already support lots of PWA features and will support more in the near future. He also talked about UX patterns that relate to Progressive Web Apps, considerations to make, and choices to give to (or hide from) users.
  • Junkee Song and Daniel Appelquist from Samsung Internet, who make the default browser on Samsung devices (almost 10% market share in Europe) and are a major committer into the Chromium project. They also work on browser experiences for GearVR, Samsung’s virtual reality goggles and try to provide a ‘continuous browsing experience’ between phone and VR.

Examples in the wild

Throughout the two days, we saw some presentations by people who have actually released progressive web apps ‘in the wild’. It was inspiring to see how they made those apps work for their organisation. PWA tech gives developers tools to do stuff, but it will not make your decisions for you (that’s a good thing).

  • Jesse Yang showed how made their confirmation page work offline. They did not tell users, giving the team opportunity to play with it without a lot of risk. They also experimented with ‘Add to homescreen’ and found most people ignored it.
  • Andreas Bovens mentioned, a site by Opera that tries to list interesting Progressive Web Apps (pull requests welcome).
  • The Washington Post made a PWA that downloads lots of text to the user’s cache , to make that available offline, and downloads images later.
  • The team at Konga, Nigeria’s largest online market place, recently built a PWA using custom web components. They use background sync for analytics, tracking offline events and an offline checkout experience. Major obstacles are making things modular, getting Safari support and the learning curve for new developers.


This whole post may sound like everything is peachy, but there are also concerns about Progressive Web Apps.

iOS support is a concern. Apple were invited to the event, but other than Microsoft, Opera, Mozilla and Samsung, they did not attend (because of other commitments, and they really want to attend future events). Their absence was noticeable: they are a large player and we all would have liked to know what they think about these new standards.

And what about the URL? They are an integral part of the web, as it is what people use to point to stuff and share things. However, for apps to get a ‘Add to homescreen’ prompt on Chrome and others, the ‘hide URL bar’ setting is compulsory. In apps that run full screen, URLs cannot be copied. Opera Mobile are experimenting with a gesture that lets you ‘pop out’ of an app, back to the browser, so that users can see, copy and hack URLs. Great idea, I think!

Another matter is the risk of heavy reliance on complex JavaScript. Admittedly, complex JavaScript is not compulsory for something to be a Progressive Web App, but it is what all of the apps demonstrated at the summit were using as their tool of choice. I’m not sure if this concern is a concern with PWAs, or with the let’s-do-it-all-with-JavaScript trend. Service Workers can be added to super simple websites like this blog, too (why not?).

The event was actually great at addressing many of these concerns, and culminated in a panel session moderated by Jeremy Keith (who published the brilliant Regressive Web Apps) .

Panel discussion Panel discussion moderated by Jeremy Keith

The future

Two things are important about PWAs: firstly, they are a set of open web standards, which means all browsers can implement them in somewhat the same way and developers can be fairly sure things will work inter-operably. Secondly, browser vendors seem to be very excited about adding support for these standards, which increases their chance of being a safe bet.

It was exciting to hear about the technologies, and to see that a lot of them already work on a great deal of platforms. Most of the major browser vendors expressed how much they liked the idea, so it is realistic to say support will increase in the short term. This, and the fact that all PWA techniques can be regarded as a ‘progressive enhancement’ (with some leniency as to what that term means), entails that we can build Progressive Web Apps today.

Hopefully, we will do so responsibly. Native apps really only work on their particular platforms. PWAs, in theory, can be built to work universally. For everyone with a web enabled device. This is awesome! Major browser vendors are behind the idea, and I think as developers we should be, too.

To keep this post somewhat concise, I did not do each talk right here. If you’ve had to miss the event, it was recorded and videos are available on YouTube.

Originally posted as Progressive Web Apps Dev Summit on Hidde's blog.

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The internet does forget

Although it may be very exciting to make new things for the web, it’s important to think about archiving what we have made before. This requires one to think about the long term, and about whom we trust with our content.

Last week, Jeremy Keith held a lecture about digital preservation at Amsterdam’s university of applied sciences. This is a write-up of his talk.

Why keep old websites?

“This is for everyone” is the message that appeared behind Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the web, when he made a surprise appearance during the London 2012 Olympics ceremony. The web is meant for everyone. It is there not just to consume, but also to create for, Jeremy said.

Geocities used to be where people with hobbies hosted websites to share with the world what they did. Over 30 million of them. Websites about pets, football clubs, fan sites, you name it. From a web designer’s point of view, they were not necessarily the most beautiful or user-friendly websites. But, Jeremy said, “an ugly website that we find ugly today, may be the first website made by the future president of the United States“.

When Geocities shut down, no backup plans were made. We were looking at the removal of over 30 million websites, to be gone forever. This was a threat. It would have been where archeologists of the 2090s would have found what we were up to in the 1990s.

Other than their cultural significance, existing websites can also break the web if they are removed from it. This is because links to them will break.

Luckily, in the case of Geocities, the Web Archive team stood in and managed to save a large part of these websites.

Third parties

If recent history is an indication, trusting your content to third parties only is not a good idea, Jeremy emphasised. Geocities was bought by Yahoo!, so was Tumblr. Many websites that offer to host your content for you are bought by some big internet company at some point. We trust our content to these start-ups. But rarely, when they close, they offer a way to export the data. They do usually thank you for being on their incredible journey.

Indieweb type of solutions can help here: there are tools that let you publish on your own platform as well as on third parties, so that you always have your own content.

Hard work

The good news is that the web, Jeremy said, is actually very suitable for being preserved. Apps you build now will likely not work on devices from 5 years in the future, whereas websites probably will (as long as someone pays the web hosting bill).

The saying “the internet never forgets” is not actually true, Jeremy explained. The internet does forget, a lot of things get deleted and are then gone forever. One has to work hard to keep things online, preferably on their own URLs (to not break the web).

Preserving your websites requires one to think about the long term: you will have to make sure to keep paying your hosting bills, for one thing. But what about when you pass, are there any hosting companies that will let you include hosting fees in your will? Some compelling questions to think about!

Originally posted as The internet does forget on Hidde's blog.

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Reasons to make digital products accessible

Yesterday I attended NCDT, the Dutch conference for digital accessibility. Hundreds of people whose work somehow involves digitally exposing information gathered in Utrecht.

The interesting thing about NCDT, I found, is that many attendees work in roles that require them to organise accessibility within their organisations, having to convince management and stakeholders of accessibility benefits. As a front-end developer, I usually only have to convince designers and interaction people. Convincing the whole of a company seems lots harder!

Here are some reasons for accessibility that I heard on the day, in no particular order.

Because we ought to put users before egoes

The excellent Gerry “top tasks” McGovern could not have said it clearer in his talk: “we measure production, not consumption. If we want digital excellence, we must measure actual use”. Many organisations put out web pages because some employee made the page and is excited about it. They put out web designs, because the designer made something pretty and the team liked it. They contain web copy that their content marketeers think provides value. But your website should not be about your employees, your designers or your content marketeers, it is about the users and what they want. That’s what websites should invest in, McGovern said. The users on your website should be put before the egoes in your organisation. Therefore: always be user testing.

Because it could be illegal not to

Users who cannot access your website, could potentially sue you. Eric Velleman of the Accessibility Foundation explained how. He showed there are currently a number of Dutch laws and regulations that make it illegal for companies to have an inaccessible website. Important to note: in The Netherlands, no one actually got one of those laws to be applied to them by a judge. In America however, judges have ordered large companies to pay sums of money and/or make their website more accessible.

More legislation is coming: an EU wide Directive is being implemented by EU member states. The Netherlands also recently agreed it will ratify the 2006 United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The “College voor de rechten van de mens” was appointed as the regulator for this convention, and this will be where people can go to complain if they cannot access a particular site. At this time, it is not clear what the Dutch authorities will do in terms of fines or sentences. It is unlikely, Velleman said, that companies will get sued for inaccessibility.

Because our organisation has embedded inclusive design

Jonathan Hassell talked about embeddding accessibility throughout organisations (he was the main author of BS 8878, the British standard / code of practice on this subject). He said what’s more important than making accessibility checklists mandatory, is valuing accessibility as an organisation. To do this, the top needs to be on board, training needs to be in place (staff might leave), it should be embedded in company policies and it should be in a process that can be used over and over again.

Having accessibility is embedded in all those different ways, can really make it part of an organisation, which can ensure the organisation makes more accessible products, now and later.

Because there is passion for #a11y at the top

Jake Abma, head of accessibility of a major Dutch bank (the orange one) held a talk about how he got support for his radical idea to embrace digital accessibility practices. It was a truly inspiring story. He convinced his manager to get him 2 hours a week to spend on accessibility, this later became 4 hours, a day and even two days. Later others got time too, and currently, the bank has a dedicated accessibility team. They have their own accessibility guidelines (which is a superset of WCAG and other standards), do lots of accessibility testing and have “accessibility champions” across teams. They ensure doing the accessible thing is part of their process (in scrum terms: it’s in their definition of done). At a bank!

Part of what worked is that there were some people in the top of the hierarchy who had visual impairments: there was a passion for accessibility at the top. Otherwise, to get support for spending time on accessibility, Jake explained, is a matter of small steps. Focus on those people who do like the idea and most importantly, do not give up.


I am just a front-end developer. For me, accessibility is usually about practical things like checking the colours that come in from designers, getting my markup semantics right and providing alternatives (in all kinds of ways).

At NCDT, I saw that it is not just about single team members (“we not me”, said Jon Hassell). This makes sense. Especially for large organisations, there can be a lot of company politics involved, and it is some people’s job to work these politics every day.

Originally posted as Reasons to make digital products accessible on Hidde's blog.

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A conference about conferences, isn’t that super meta? It is, a bit. Most web conferences aim to bring web people together and inspire them to do better work. ConfConf in Bristol did something similar for those who organise conferences.

Having originally been conceived as a joke between two event organisers, ConfConf became a real thing for the first time last year. It turned out that the event provided real value: with all the knowledge sharing, organisers were able to learn a lot from each other.

This year, the event was held in Bristol, and I attended as part of a group representing Fronteers Conference. The audience was small enough to have group discussions and not need mics, but big enough to have lots of conf-organising experience between them. These are my notes of the day.

The human side of event organisation

Marc Thiele, organiser of the Beyond Tellerand conference in Düsseldorf, gave the first talk. He walked us through his process and the tone of voice he tries to convey.

If one thing stood out from his talk, it is that communication plays a huge role in everything he does. It sets the tone of the event, Marc explained.

He makes a point of being very friendly to every single person involved with his event: attendees (including previous attendees), speakers, suppliers, even the venue staff. Being friendly includes checking in with people, being prepared to patiently answer the same questions over and over and being interested in everyone at the event. This goes a long way. For instance, if you need your A/V to think with you about new ideas, it helps if you get along with them.

Communication is also about being very clear. Marc took us through the various emails he sends to attendees, speakers and others, to make sure everyone has all the information they need.

Getting bums on seats

John Davey, who is responsible for the ‘Reasons to’ conferences, talked about what he does to sell tickets. He recommended selling tickets early, making use of social media (on accounts that matter to your target audience rather than those with huge numbers) and doing so creatively.

John likes people who pull faces and, as his slides confirmed, is quite good at this himself.

He emphasised communication should be provocative (never rude though) and not bland. Creative communication and attention to detail also helps convince potential attendees of the quality they will get.

John gave some tips to increase ticket sales: by setting limits on based on quantity or time, you can create an urgency; you can be loyal to past attendees and email them with a special discount; you can also use the audience of your sponsors for promotion (their coverage/promotion could be more valuable than money).

Panel: all things to all people: striving for the impossible

In the first panel, there were discussions about curating a quality and diverse lineup, single track vs multi track and dealing with criticism.

Some organisers said they think of speaker names first, others think about talk subjects first and then come up with names for each subject. I like content-first, as it makes it much easier to explain to speakers why you want them. This increases your chance of getting speakers to agree to come to your conference.

We also discussed conferences with tracks. Having a single track can sometimes force people to sit in talks they would normally not attend. Marc Thiele said he likes that and tries to play with that. Rachel Andrew recommended that, in multi track conferences, speakers state the experience level at the beginning of their talk, to allow people to leave if the level is not what they were looking for (better for speaker and attendee).

The panel also talked about video: most conference organisers that attended said they had their talks recorded (some said they no longer did for cost reasons). Brief discussion followed on making videos available accessibly. At Fronteers we provide transcripts and captions for all our talks (see my blog post about how we do this).

What do speakers really want?

For her talk, Rachel Andrew did a survey amongst conference speakers and shared her results. She illustrated those brilliantly with personal experiences (she speaks at a lot of events) and gave a huge number of tips. There was a lot more in her talk than I can cover here, but I will try my best.

She talked about how important it is to be clear to speakers. What it is you do, what you expect a speaker to do where, when and for which audience and what you offer in return. Speaking is expensive, especially for those speakers who are freelancers / run a business. If your event makes a profit, you should pay speakers; only if you organise a community event you may get away with not paying.

Another thing Rachel talked about is to be helpful: make sure they have your contact details (and make sure there is always someone on phone duty), have professional audio/video people (‘agressive A/V people are a thing’, Rachel’s survey showed) and try to get post talk feedback to them (best filter it for constructive notes).

Rachel also said all speakers should be treated equally (rockstars and newcomers). That means they require equal pay, but also equal taking care of and being friendly to. If you are going to differentiate, best be extra helpful to newcomers rather than rockstars. If you have newcomers, inexperienced or vulnerable speakers (in any way), covering expenses can make a huge difference: paying their expenses and fees can empower them.

Panel: the future of conferences

In the ‘future of conferences’ panel, we discussed structure, and techy vs creative events.

Thomas van Zuijlen of Fronteers asked whether the “Fronteers model” (2 days of ‘just’ 45 minute talks) is going to die out in favour of newer models like the “responsive day out model” (1 day with sessions of three 20 minute talks followed by a panel discussion). Most of the panel agreed that the old model is likely there to stay, but new structures are interesting and bring in new benefits: more concise talks, easier to cover subjects that are too new to be suitable for a full length talk, etc).

The panel touched on the difference between events about technology and those about creativity. Some noted that the ones about creativity and inspiration are much harder to sell tickets for. One reason for this, the panel concluded, may be that it is easier to get management approval for attending a conference, if it is easier and more tangible what the conference covers (Angular vs creativity).

The conference survival handbook: extreme edition

Cat organises the international Smashing Conference as well as ConfConf itself. Cat’s talk was about a subject that will be familiar to anyone who has organised an event before: conference nightmares. There is so much that could potentially go wrong! Cat talked about known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns.

Known knowns are things that can be planned for, like not running on time, slow registration process, speakers illnesses and poor WiFi. To avoid running off schedule, Cat recommended planning time for getting everyone seated without gaps, factor in welcomes and introductions and being very clear to speakers about how long they are on for. To make registration smoother, she said events should avoid requiring ticket print outs and have one person available to investigate in case someone shows up and their badge is not there. She also mentioned preregistration, which can be good, but requires extra plain badges as people tend to forget theirs on the conference day.

Unknown knowns are things that happen on the day: a speaker oversleeps, someone is angry or rude on Twitter or a complaint is made. The crux of solving such issues is being ready for them when they happen: having people available that can react quickly is important. Cat mentioned at Smashing, she asks speakers to be on site a minimum of 3 times the travel time between hotel and venue.

Unknown unknowns are things that almost never happen: the projector’s bulb blowing (ask A/V staff if they have a spare), power cuts (again, ask venue for their backup plan) or natural disaster (take insurance).


If there is one thing that I learned from this day, it is that taking care of all the little details, being very friendly and communicating clearly are very important additions to your main conference organising duties. Probably thanks to having had an experienced speaker (hi PPK!) and a very friendly personality (hi Krijn!) amongst our founding organisers, I realised during some of the talks, many of these things have been in the FronteersConf handbooks for years. But I also heard many things we could improve on.

It’s been great to hear from some seasoned organisers and a speaker. And it was very useful to exchange knowledge on the day and in the pub afterwards. ConfConf showed me that there are many types of events, as well as styles of organising. Recommended for all (web) conference organisers!

Originally posted as ConfConf on Hidde's blog.

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Notes on CSS Grid Layout

In preparation of the Grid Layout Workshop in Amsterdam this Friday, I read the grid spec. I highly recommend doing this.

This specification is a great read, even for those not familiar with reading CSS specs. It first introduces all the concepts with comprehensible examples, and then dives into the syntax in more detail (including diagrams that show exactly which properties can be used how, available shorthand syntaxes and the algorithms used to decide about sizing and alignment).


“We already have many clever combinations of HTML, CSS and JavaScript to do layout”, I hear you think, “so what do we need Grid Layout for?” All layout mechanisms we have used to date come with specific problems. Floats need clearing, inline-block grid elements need comments to remove spaces and make widths work, and tables misused an HTML element for layout. CSS Grid Layout addresses our layouting problems, and lets us ‘divide available space for layout into columns and rows using a set of predictable sizing behaviors’. Yeah!

New terminology

The grid spec introduces a number of new terms. A grid is a set of lines that divides the grid container. Within the grid container, columns or rows exist between the lines. Columns and rows can both be referred to as grid tracks. On the grid, each cell is called a grid cell. One or more cells can form a grid area, which can be occupied by grid items.

I found it a bit confusing at first to see the difference between grid areas and grid items, but as I understand it, grid items are the bits of content that authors can specify to live in a specific grid area.

More alignment options

Some of the best new CSS properties that were introduced in flexbox, also work on grid containers (justify-items, align-items), grid items: (justify-self, align-self) and the grid itself (justify-content, align-content).

See also: fantasai re: “Too Many Alignment Properties”

Naming lines and areas

With grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows you can not only specify how much space each grid cell takes up, you can also give the lines surrounding them names. So for a 3 column layout with a width of 25%, 50% and 25% respectively, you do something like:

grid-template-columns: 25% 50% 25%

And if you want to lines surrounding the 50% area, you do:

grid-template-columns: 25% [start-main-area] 50% [end-main-area] 25%

so that you can set a specific bit of content to live in the 50% area between ‘start-main-area’ and ‘end-main-area’.

You can also define names for the areas themselves, using the ASCII art method (if a word appears multiple times, it means it spans multiple columns/rows):

grid-template-areas: "header header header"
                     "main main sidebar";

so that you can set a specific bit of content to live in the ‘header’, ‘main’ area or ‘sidebar’.


The fr unit can be used to define flexible lengths and represents a fraction of the free space in the grid container. I think this is how it relates to auto: if all lengths are set auto, that would be equivalent to them all having 1fr, but if they have different amounts of fr, the fr unit gives more control as they can give some grid tracks more space than others.

Changing visual order

The grid spec frequently talks about the order keyword, which lets you visually change the order of your document (this property also exists in flexbox).

This makes that there are now two different orders to keep in mind:

  • document order / source order (this is what you see when you view source)
  • order-modified document order (this is the document order with all the ‘order’ properties in your stylesheet(s) taken into account)

Browsers are supposed to paint in the order-modified document order (this is also good to know for if you’re setting z-index).

The spec emphasises that order will only change your visual order, and not update speech order (for people that have your page read out to them) or navigation order (for people that use keyboards to navigate). Therefore it is important that the source order is sensible (this is an important accessibility concern).


Lots of things within grids can happen automatically. This is a bit complex to get your head around, but it is rather exciting (if you have not seen it, I can recommend fantasai’s CSS Day talk on defining auto). The good news is: to use grids, you do not need to know how the auto algorithms work, they just do.

With grid properties, you can set your grid exactly how you want it to be (‘explicit grid’). If you forget something or position an element outside of the bounds of your grid, the grid algorithm will create ‘implicit’ grid tracks.

Grids in grids

Grid items can be grids themselves (they are then ‘subgrids’), but this is still being discussed by the CSS Working Group. With display: subgrid, the subgrid would be able to inherit the cols/rows of its parent.


This is exciting! I really look forward to using CSS grids in my daily work.

I do think the transition to actually using the new properties for page layout will come with some problems, especially around giving grid areas names that can be shared across everyone working on the same site, and letting grid areas be occupied by components (as component libraries are the deliverable of many front-end developers these days).

And if that all works, should we give content managers controls to set content to flow in specific columns (perhaps the CMS would show a representation of the grid on various different viewports?).

Originally posted as Notes on CSS Grid Layout on Hidde's blog.

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