Reading List
The most recent articles from a list of feeds I subscribe to.
My first MozFest
This weekend I attended my first Mozilla Festival in North Greenwich, London. It was great. In this post I’ll share some takeaways from my favourite sessions.
Ever since I started working for Mozilla, I learned more about their communities. They have wide interests, ranging from Rust to machine learning to WebVR. Sometimes related to Firefox, but often not. People from these and other communities come together at MozFest, to talk, learn and think about what Mozilla calls internet health. Internet Health is an umbrella term for various issues related to what’s happening to the web. They include (de)centralisation of power, online harassment, privacy, security and how people understand the web works (e.g. distinguish sponsored content from journalism). There’s also an Internet Health Report.
Mozilla Festival 2018 was 9 floors of internet health goodness, each with its own theme. The spaces had lots of meeting spaces that hosted small-scale workshops and talks.
There was also a photo opportunity with a fox
Targeted advertising and human rights
“Targeted advertising is used as a delivery mechanism for propaganda”, said Nathalie Maréchal. She is a researcher at Ranking Digital Rights, a non-profit that tries to find out how much some of the world’s largest corporations respect their user’s privacy online. It did not take long for me, to realise how this is indeed a human rights issue. We can ask questions about enabling companies to know all about us in order to sell us products. It gets worse, though, when political parties use the same mechanisms in order to win elections. Or when the algorithms automate discrimination or create dangerous bubbles.
Design for renaming
This session was about the problems trans people face when there is a mismatch between their official identity documents and what they self identify as. It was heartbreaking to hear some real-world experiences of trans people. After an introduction, we broke out in groups to define the problem space and then worked on finding solutions. We found we can do a lot if we avoid using a birth name as someone’s unique identifier in a system. In general, we should stop assuming names are fixed. This is easier said than done, because a lot of the systems banks an governments use are very old and not so flexible.
Fooling AI
I also attended a session about a special sticker that fooled a machine learning algorithm, presented by Anant Jain. When fed a picture of a banana, the algorithm correctly classified it as such. When said special sticker was applied to the banana, the algorithm confidently classified it as… wait for it… a toaster. That’s a funny example, but the idea that machine learning systems can be fooled is not. There are lots of situations where this could lead to dangerous situations, like a self-driving car’s ML that fails to recognise a human crossing the street.
AI’s collateral damage
In the AI’s collateral damage panel (video), four very smart people shared their thoughts around potential consequences of artificial intelligence on our society. They talked about the danger of algorithms and our lack of understanding how they work. Guillaume Chaslot, who worked on YouTube’s machine learning algorithms, admitted he did not fully understand how they worked. And then there was the question of what to optimise algorithms for. If tech companies optimise for engagement, which they often do as it is good for ad-selling, this drives the content in a certain direction. Algorithms optimised for engagement are likely to recommend content that outrages people, fueling polarisation online. A third aspect the panelists discussed was legislation. Is it likely our governments are equipped to legislate AI, looking at how Mark Zuckerberg’s Senate hearing painfully exposed the senators’ tech illiteracy?
The content of MozFest was often pretty dark, but, surprisingly, people were pretty positive. They were looking for ways to bend the bad things into positive results. I had a great time and learned plenty of new things. I was even able to do a round of guerilla user testing a new product I am working on at the moment.
It was super cool to be among people that care about an open, inclusive and decentral web. Yup, I realise that makes me sound like my thoughts were re-programmed with Mozilla marketing speak. But being there, hearing about these issues and seeing people from all sorts of organisations care, it was brilliant. Would attend again!
Originally posted as My first MozFest on Hidde's blog.
Grids in cards
Paddings in cards are great, but how about using grids in cards? Using columns and rows for whitespace can give great flexibility, and lets us have optional padding: we can turn it off when we want to.
Note: this is an exploratory post, not something I necessarily recommend to apply to all the things.
A card with padding everywhere
Most card-type components will have a padding set across all dimensions, so that the content does not stick to any of the sides of the box:
.card {
padding: 1em;
An example card with 1em of padding around. Source: Wikipedia - Gelada
This is a very effective way of doing things, especially with box-sizing
set to border-box
. But what if you wanted to have something like this:
On the left hand side, the padding works, but on the right hand side, we want the background of the content to stretch to the sides of the box, which will not work if it had a padding. Let’s see if CSS Grid Layout can help!
A card with some padding turned off
So here’s CSS for a card that looks the same, it has 1em
of whitespace all around, but this time it is built with Grid.
.card {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1em auto auto 1em;
grid-template-rows: 1em auto 1em;
Grid tracks for padding!
(Example on CodePen, recommended to view with Firefox Grid Inspector)
We create a grid and make the first and last column, as well as the first and last row, exactly 1em
. In this example, there is two auto
grid track in between, there could be more if you wanted.
When we used padding, that was all we had to do to make the content stay inside the padded area. With grid, we have created an ‘optional padding’ situation so we will have to explicitly place the content inside the padded area.
If we want a piece of content to be in the padded area:
.card__content {
grid-column: 2 / 3;
grid-row: 2 / 3;
If we want the content to have a background that extends to the boundaries of the box, we position it to take up the first to the last row, and position it to take up space until the last column:
.card__meta {
grid-row: 1 / 5;
grid-column: 4 / 6;
padding: 1.5em;
background-color: #eee;
You could, of course, style .card__meta
with negative margins, but I feel that method is less intuitive. I’m curious to hear how people think about using Grid instead.
Originally posted as Grids in cards on Hidde's blog.
Accessibility wars and the state of talking to machines
This week I attended Accessibility London. It took place at Sainsbury’s headquarters, who were kind enough to host the event.
The Accessibility Peace Model
Glenda Sims talked about what she and Wilco Fiers like to call the accessibility interpretation problem: people disagree about how (much) accessibility should be implemented and tested. There are normative guidelines (WCAG), but experts have different views on what complying to the norm means. Glenda explained that this is ok, ‘there are multiple valid ways to use WCAG’.
Glenda Sims on why interpretations differ
She explained a scale of interpretation styles:
- bare minimum (only where WCAG says ‘this is normative’)
- optimised (beyond strictly normative, also tries to act in spirit of the whole document and look at the Understanding and Techniques pages)
- idealised (tries to look beyond what’s currently possible and maximises accessibility).
Different people at your team or your client’s teams will be on different places of that scale. Knowing this is the case can help think about expectations. I found this a super refreshing talk, it resonated a lot with my experiences. The full whitepaper can be found on Deque’s website.
The history and future of speech
Léonie Watson walked us through the history and future of people talking to computers (Léonie’s slides). From synthetic voices that existed way over 90 years ago to modern computer voices that can sing reasonable covers of our favourite pop songs. There are various W3C standards related to speech, Léonie explained, like Voice XML and the Speech Synthesis Markup Language, and there is a CSS speech spec (‘why should I have to listen to everything in the same voice?’, Lèonie asked. A great point.) As far as I know, nobody works on CSS Speech anymore, sadly.
Léonie also explained how we can design for voice with the Inclusive Design Principles in mind, with useful do’s and don’ts. At the end, she left us with questions about embedding privacy, security, identity and trust in voice assistants.
This was an excellent event with great speakers, I was so glad I was able to attend.
Originally posted as Accessibility wars and the state of talking to machines on Hidde's blog.
Review: New Frontiers in Web Design
Last week I had the chance to read New Frontiers in Web Design, the latest in the series of Smashing Books. It just came out and is full of interesting knowledge for people who work on the web in 2018. From CSS custom properties to advanced service workers to bringing personality back to the web.
What’s it about?
Let’s dive right into it. The book consists of 10 chapters, all about different subjects.
Design systems
No elephants in the room were avoided in this chapter about design systems. I loved reading what Laura Elizabeth said about the idea some have of design systems: that they are somehow quite trivial. Creating, promoting and maintaining design systems isn’t simple, and Laura brilliantly shows this. The list of questions to answer for management is very useful.
Accessibility in SPAs
Marcy Sutton writes about the accessibility of Single Page Applications. She shows common pitfalls and how to avoid them. Marcy also goes into managing focus, focusless announcements and when to use which. Later in the chapter she explains how to do automated tests and what they can test for.
Grid Layout in production
In this chapter, Rachel Andrew talks about Grid Layout in the real world. She explains most if not all of the cool things Grids let you do, and explains what one can do about fallbacks using Grid Layout’s built-in scenarios (‘new layout knows about old layout’).
Custom Properties in CSS
Mike Riethmuller contributed a chapter about Custom Properties. I learned various things, like that the var()
function takes a fallback value, and that you could use calc()
to give unitless custom property values a unit. His examples of writing way fewer CSS rules, by updating values, not which property is being used, are an invitation to go and use this stuff now.
Service Workers
Lyza D. Gardner’s chapter about Advanced Service Workers is great: it is advanced, but explains basic concepts, too. That made it easier to follow along. It reminds of how hard caching can be, and contains some nifty tricks, like giving your Service Worker an ID, that you can use when cleaning out old caches. The chapter also does a great job explaining push notifications and background sync.
Loading resources
‘Loading resources on the web is hard’, concludes Yoav Weiss in his chapter about loading our websites faster. He talks about how websites load and discusses a wide variety of strategies to optimise loading. Both old school classics and fancy new features. One interesting reminder early in this chapter is that HTML is progressive, which makes it load faster than anything as browsers can start processing it when only part of it was downloaded.
Designing conversations
Adrian Zumbrunnen explains what’s important when designing a bot to talk to, and behaving human-like is one of those things, he says. It made me think about how human customer service often offers a robot-like experience, in that their agents strictly stick to their scripts. If we design conversations with bots to be more human, will all conversations end up being very similar?
Chatbots and virtual assistents
Continuing from designing conversations, the next chapter is about engineering them. Greg Nudelman talks about creating plugins for voice assistants as well as standalone bots. As an engineer, I found it a fascinating insight in how this stuff works. As a citizen slash consumer, I would dislike any services that replace their friendly and smart humans with statistical analysis. That may be just me.
Cross reality
Cross reality is the umbrella term for virtual, augmented and mixed reality. In this chapter Ada Rose Cannon explains how to create scenes in browsers, using web standards and some libraries that abstract them. She also goes into improving rendering performance and there’s a useful list of things she wished she had known when she began.
Making it more personal
The last chapter in the book is written by Mr Smashing himself. Vitaly Friedman tells us all about how to put more personality into our work. Earlier this year, I saw him talk about the same at ICONS in Amsterdam. Vitaly encourages us all to create more interesting things. The theme resonates a lot with me. Yes, we need more things that are visually interesting and different. We also need more things that have well considered UI patterns, that ‘exceed expectations’, as Vitaly writes.
My thoughts
Reading this book feels a bit like going to a good conference. There is lots of variety, plenty to learn and you get away with stuff to try out on your project when you get back to work.
There is also lots of variety within each chapter. I felt some chapters covered too much, they could have been more concise. The upside is that you get a lot of content for your money, so there’s that.
One other thing that could be improved is the way references work: footnotes contain just (shortened) URLs, which obfuscates their original address. It may be just me, but I like seeing the name of the author and the name of the post/page being cited, to connect dots quicker.
If a majority of the covered subjects piques your interest, don’t hesitate to buy Smashing Book #6. There will be plenty of new things to learn. Regarding the physical book: I have not seen it yet, but going by the tweets, the hardcover edition is beautiful, so that is one to consider.
Originally posted as Review: New Frontiers in Web Design on Hidde's blog.
This weekend I joined a bunch of web developers, tech writers, web standards lovegods and other friendly folks in London, to work on accessibility documentation for MDN, Mozilla’s platform for learning about web development.
I had a brilliant time, meeting familiar faces from Twitter IRL and catching up with others. Not only did I learn lots about nails and stools (thanks Seren and Estelle), it was also great to be amongst like-minded people to overhear deeply technical accessibility discussions between people who already wrote about accessibility when I wasn’t even born yet.
Photo: Bruce Lawson, with a hipster filter added, as we were in Shoreditch
On the first day we got to know each other and picked projects to work on. While others looked at adding screenreader compatibility data and documenting WAI-ARIA better, I teamed up with Seren, Eva and Glenda to improve and add accessibility information on MDN pages that were about non-accessibility topics.
What I liked about that particular project, is that it exposes accessibility knowledge to people who are not necessarily looking for it. If you want to know how order
works in CSS, you get some information about how it affects screenreader users for free. I’m optimistic. I believe most developers will do the right thing for their users. As long as they have the information on what the right thing looks like in code, design, strategy, testing, et cetera.
After lunch a lot of us gave lightning talks! Eva talked about the problems of automatically translating content and making technical videos available with captions, and Michiel did a great TED-style talk on when to use ARIA. It was just one slide.
Although MDN is a developer network, there are pages for many others. So on the second day I worked on revamping the page Accessibility information for UI/UX designers. It was fairly outdated, so it felt sensible to replace it with more hands-on advice.
On the last day I continued work on that page and did a PR to improve icon accessibility. I also gave a short lightning talk entitled “Making password managers play ball with your login form”, which is also a blog post on this site.
Photo: Bruce Lawson
Others in the room did great work on getting screen reader compatibility data onto MDN, adding ARIA reference pages, cleaning up docs, modernising Spanish content, updating the WCAG reference with 2.1 content and improving MDN’s tooltips. There were also very informative lightning talks about focus styles, display properties and semantics, WCAG 2.1 and beyond (Silver) and accessible syntax highlighting.
It’s been a great three days. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed both doing contributions to MDN, as well as meeting and learning from like-minded people. And I’m proud we got so much done!
Originally posted as #HackOnMDN on Hidde's blog.