Reading List

The most recent articles from a list of feeds I subscribe to.

Configuring i3 Window Manager: a Complete Guide

You thought that having icons everywhere on your desktop with a beautiful start menu was the better and only way to interact with your computer? Many Linux distributions, and many Operating Systems (OS) in general, like Windows or macOS, have their own desktop environment. It’s basically a set of icons, windows, toolbars, widgets, wallpaper and other functionalities which give to the users “easy” ways to do what they want. These desktops are meant to be used by everybody.

Understanding and Preventing Burnout as a Software Developer

I heard many developers having strong opinions about burnout. Something like: “I’m not the kind of person to burnout! I know how to manage my stress. I know how to manage challenges. I’m in the control of my life.”. Only the others are victim of burnout until it hit you. I experienced a severe form of burnout at the beginning of my career, as I was mentioning in this article about stress.

Writing Your tmux Config: a Detailed Guide

Do you want a powerful, flexible, and automated terminal experience? Let me introduce you to tmux. It’s one of the most important tool for my Mouseless Development Environment. If you never heard about it, fear not! This article will explain the core ideas: What’s tmux and why you should care about it. How to configure tmux, step by step. What are the best tmux plugins out there. How to automate the creation of tmux sessions.

What is Software Entropy And How To Manage It?

It’s a sunny day. You are in the middle of the road leading to your village, where your friends, your family, and you favorite dog are living. What a great day! Suddenly, you hear a terrible and monstrous scream scattering the peace of the countryside. A massive and hideous Hydra is rushing to you, willing to destroy your whole village. You’re the only one on the road to stop this madness!

Vim Commands: A Beginner Guide with Examples

Welcome to the first part of this series of articles to learn Vim! Vim from the ground up Vim for Beginners Vim for Intermediate Users Vim for Advanced Users Vim for Adept Users Vim for Veteran Users Vim for Expert Users “Vim is not for me!” shout out Dave, my colleague developer. It wasn’t the first time I’ve heard this sentence. The result? Me, explaining to Dave and others gathering around my desk, that learning the basics of Vim can be beneficial to anybody: