Reading List

The most recent articles from a list of feeds I subscribe to.

Activating cached feature flags instantly with notify triggers

Reflecting changes made to feature flags immediately, despite a local in-process cache, by firing sync notifications from triggers, and listening with the notifier pattern.


At long last, adding syntax highlighting for code blocks to this website, and what I like about Shiki, a syntax highlighter that uses on the same engine as VSCode.

Plumbing fully typed feature flags from API to UI via OpenAPI

A pipeline that moves feature flags defined in a backend YAML file through to OpenAPI, then onto generated TypeScript that uses types to see which flags are available and check their state of enablement.

Digital detox

On my longest period without a smartphone in a long time, and how to have a better relationship with it in the future.

Histograms worked

Following up on the use of histograms to generate metric aggregates that can be used to generate charts over much wider time ranges like a week or a month.