Reading List

The most recent articles from a list of feeds I subscribe to.

2023: Year in review

Hello! This was my 4th year working full time on Wizard Zines! Here are a few of the things I worked on this year.

a zine!

I published How Integers and Floats Work, which I worked on with Marie.

This one started out its life as “how your computer represents things in memory”, but once we’d explained how integers and floats were represented in memory the zine was already long enough, so we just kept it to integers and floats.

This zine was fun to write: I learned about why signed integers are represented in memory the way they are, and I’m really happy with the explanation of floating point we ended up with.

a playground: memory spy!

When explaining to people how your computer represents people in memory, I kept wanting to open up gdb or lldb and show some example C programs and how the variables in those C programs are represented in memory.

But gdb is kind of confusing if you’re not used to looking at it! So me and Marie made a cute interface on top of lldb, where you can put in any C program, click on a line, and see what the variable looks like. It’s called memory spy and here’s what it looks like:

a playground: integer exposed!

I got really obsessed with by Bartosz Ciechanowski for seeing how floats are represented in memory. So with his permission, I made a copy of it for integers called

Here’s a screenshot:

It was pretty straightforward to make (copying someone else’s design is so much easier than making your own!) but I learned a few CSS tricks from analyzing how he implemented it.

Implement DNS in a Weekend

I’ve been working on a big project to show people how to implement a working networking stack (TCP, TLS, DNS, UDP, HTTP) in 1400 lines of Python, that you can use to download a webpage using 100% your own networking code. Kind of like Nand to Tetris, but for computer networking.

This has been going VERY slowly – writing my own working shitty implementations was relatively easy (I finished that in October 2022), but writing clear tutorials that other people can follow is not.

But in March, I released the first part: Implement DNS in a Weekend. The response was really good – there are dozens of people’s implementations on GitHub, and people have implemented it in Go, C#, C, Clojure, Python, Ruby, Kotlin, Rust, Typescript, Haskell, OCaml, Elixir, Odin, and probably many more languages too. I’d like to see more implementations in less systems-y languages like vanilla JS and PHP, need to think about what I can do to encourage that.

I think “Implement IPv4 in a Weekend” might be the next one I release. It’s going to come with bonus guides to implementing ICMP and UDP too.

a talk: Making Hard Things Easy!

I gave a keynote at Strange Loop this year called Making Hard Things Easy (video + transcript), about why some things are so hard to learn and how we can make them easier. I’m really proud of how it turned out.

a lot of blog posts about Git!

In September I decided to work on a second zine about Git, focusing more on how Git works. This is one of the hardest projects I’ve ever worked on, because over the last 10 years of using it I’d completely lost sight of what’s hard about Git.

So I’ve been doing a lot of research to try to figure out why Git is hard, and I’ve been writing a lot of blog posts. So far I’ve written:

What’s been most surprising so far is that I originally thought “to understand Git, people just need to learn git’s internal data model!”. But the more I talk to people about their struggles with Git, the less I think that’s true. I’ll leave it at that for now, but there’s a lot of work still to do.

some Git prototypes!

I worked on a couple of fun Git tools this year:

  • git-commit-folders: a way to mount your Git commits as (read-only) folders using FUSE or NFS. This one came about because someone mentioned that they think of Git commits as being folders with old versions of the code, and it made me wonder – why can’t you just have a virtual folder for every commit? It turns out that it can and it works pretty well.
  • git-oops: an experimental prototype of an undo system for git. This one came out of me wondering “why can’t we just have a git undo?”. I learned a bunch of things about why that’s not easy through writing the prototype, I might write a longer blog post about it later.

I’ve been trying to put a little less pressure on myself to release software that’s Amazing and Perfect – sometimes I have an idea that I think is cool but don’t really have the time or energy to fully execute on it. So I decided to just put these both on Github in a somewhat unfinished state, so I can come back to them if later if I want. Or not!

I’m also working on another Git software project, which is a collaboration with a friend.

hired an operations manager!

This year I hired an Operations Manager for Wizard Zines! Lee is incredible and has done SO much to streamline the logistics of running the company, so that I can focus more on writing and coding. I don’t talk much about the mechanics of running the business on here, but it’s a lot and I’m very grateful to have some help.

A few of the many things Lee has made possible:

  • run a Black Friday sale!
  • we added a review system to the website! (it’s so nice to hear about how people loved getting zines for Christmas!)
  • the store has been reorganized to be way clearer!
  • we’re more consistent about sending out the new comics newsletter!
  • I can take a vacation and not worry about support emails!

migrated to Mastodon!

I spent 10 years building up a Twitter presence, but with the Recent Events, I spent a lot of time in 2023 working on building up a Mastodon account. I’ve found that I’m able to have more interesting conversations about computers on Mastodon than on Twitter or Bluesky, so that’s where I’ve been spending my time. We’ve been having a lot of great discussions about Git there recently.

I’ve run into a few technical issues with Mastodon (which I wrote about at Notes on using a single-person Mastodon server) but overall I’m happy there and I’ve been spending a lot more time there than on Twitter.

some questions for 2024

one of my questions for 2022 was:

  • What’s hard for developers about learning to use the Unix command line in 2022? What do I want to do about it?

Maybe I’ll work on that in 2024! Maybe not! I did make a little bit of progress on that question this year (I wrote What helps people get comfortable on the command line?).

Some other questions I’m thinking about on and off:

  • Could man pages be a more useful form of documentation? Do I want to try to do anything about that?
  • What format do I want to use for this “implement all of computer networking in Python” project? (is it a website? a book? is there a zine? what’s the deal?) Do I want to run workshops?
  • What community guidelines do I want to have for discussions on Mastodon?
  • Could I be marketing Mess With DNS (from 2021) more? How do I want to do that?

moving slowly is okay

I’ve started to come to terms with the fact that projects always just take longer than I think they will. I started working this “implement your own terrible networking stack” project in 2022, and I don’t know if I’ll finish it in 2024. I’ve been working on this Git zine since September and I still don’t completely understand why Git is hard yet. There’s another small secret project that I initally thought of 5 years ago, made a bunch of progress on this year, but am still not done with. Things take a long time and that’s okay.

As always, thanks for reading and for making it possible for me to do this weird job.

Mounting git commits as folders with NFS

Hello! The other day, I started wondering – has anyone ever made a FUSE filesystem for a git repository where all every commit is a folder? It turns out the answer is yes! There’s giblefs, GitMounter, and git9 for Plan 9.

But FUSE is pretty annoying to use on Mac – you need to install a kernel extension, and Mac OS seems to be making it harder and harder to install kernel extensions for security reasons. Also I had a few ideas for how to organize the filesystem differently than those projects.

So I thought it would be fun to experiment with ways to mount filesystems on Mac OS other than FUSE, so I built a project that does that called git-commit-folders. It works (at least on my computer) with both FUSE and NFS, and there’s a broken WebDav implementation too.

It’s pretty experimental (I’m not sure if this is actually a useful piece of software to have or just a fun toy to think about how git works) but it was fun to write and I’ve enjoyed using it myself on small repositories so here are some of the problems I ran into while writing it.

goal: show how commits are like folders

The main reason I wanted to make this was to give folks some intuition for how git works under the hood. After all, git commits really are very similar to folders – every Git commit contains a directory listing of the files in it, and that directory can have subdirectories, etc.

It’s just that git commits aren’t actually implemented as folders to save disk space.

So in git-commit-folders, every commit is actually a folder, and if you want to explore your old commits, you can do it just by exploring the filesystem! For example, if I look at the initial commit for my blog, it looks like this:

$ ls commits/8d/8dc0/8dc0cb0b4b0de3c6f40674198cb2bd44aeee9b86/

and a few commits later, it looks like this:

$ ls /tmp/git-homepage/commits/c9/c94e/c94e6f531d02e658d96a3b6255bbf424367765e9/
_config.yml  config.rb  Rakefile  rubypants.rb  source

In the filesystem mounted by git-commit-folders, commits are the only real folders – everything else (branches, tags, etc) is a symlink to a commit. This mirrors how git works under the hood.

$ ls -l branches/
lr-xr-xr-x 59 bork bazil-fuse -> ../commits/ff/ff56/ff563b089f9d952cd21ac4d68d8f13c94183dcd8
lr-xr-xr-x 59 bork follow-symlink -> ../commits/7f/7f73/7f73779a8ff79a2a1e21553c6c9cd5d195f33030
lr-xr-xr-x 59 bork go-mod-branch -> ../commits/91/912d/912da3150d9cfa74523b42fae028bbb320b6804f
lr-xr-xr-x 59 bork mac-version -> ../commits/30/3008/30082dcd702b59435f71969cf453828f60753e67
lr-xr-xr-x 59 bork mac-version-debugging -> ../commits/18/18c0/18c0db074ec9b70cb7a28ad9d3f9850082129ce0
lr-xr-xr-x 59 bork main -> ../commits/04/043e/043e90debbeb0fc6b4e28cf8776e874aa5b6e673
$ ls -l tags/
lr-xr-xr-x - bork 31 Dec  1969 test-tag -> ../commits/16/16a3/16a3d776dc163aa8286fb89fde51183ed90c71d0

This definitely doesn’t completely explain how git works (there’s a lot more to it than just “a commit is like a folder!”), but my hope is that it makes thie idea that every commit is like a folder with an old version of your code” feel a little more concrete.

why might this be useful?

Before I get into the implementation, I want to talk about why having a filesystem with a folder for every git commit in it might be useful. A lot of my projects I end up never really using at all (like dnspeep) but I did find myself using this project a little bit while I was working on it.

The main uses I’ve found so far are:

  • searching for a function I deleted – I can run grep someFunction branch_histories/main/*/commit.go to find an old version of it
  • quickly looking at a file on another branch to copy a line from it, like vim branches/other-branch/go.mod
  • searching every branch for a function, like grep someFunction branches/*/commit.go

All of these are through symlinks to commits instead of referencing commits directly.

None of these are the most efficient way to do this (you can use git show and git log -S or maybe git grep to accomplish something similar), but personally I always forget the syntax and navigating a filesystem feels easier to me. git worktree also lets you have multiple branches checked out at the same time, but to me it feels weird to set up an entire worktree just to look at 1 file.

Next I want to talk about some problems I ran into.

problem 1: webdav or NFS?

The two filesystems I could that were natively supported by Mac OS were WebDav and NFS. I couldn’t tell which would be easier to implement so I just tried both.

At first webdav seemed easier and it turns out that has a webdav implementation, which was pretty easy to set up.

But that implementation doesn’t support symlinks, I think because it uses the io/fs interface and io/fs doesn’t support symlinks yet. Looks like that’s in progress though. So I gave up on webdav and decided to focus on the NFS implementation, using this go-nfs NFSv3 library.

Someone also mentioned that there’s FileProvider on Mac but I didn’t look into that.

problem 2: how to keep all the implementations in sync?

I was implementing 3 different filesystems (FUSE, NFS, and WebDav), and it wasn’t clear to me how to avoid a lot of duplicated code.

My friend Dave suggested writing one core implementation and then writing adapters (like fuse2nfs and fuse2dav) to translate it into the NFS and WebDav verions. What this looked like in practice is that I needed to implement 3 filesystem interfaces:

  • fs.FS for FUSE
  • billy.Filesystem for NFS
  • webdav.Filesystem for webdav

So I put all the core logic in the fs.FS interface, and then wrote two functions:

  • func Fuse2Dav(fs fs.FS) webdav.FileSystem
  • func Fuse2NFS(fs fs.FS) billy.Filesystem

All of the filesystems were kind of similar so the translation wasn’t too hard, there were just 1 million annoying bugs to fix.

problem 3: I didn’t want to list every commit

Some git repositories have thousands or millions of commits. My first idea for how to address this was to make commits/ appear empty, so that it works like this:

$ ls commits/
$ ls commits/80210c25a86f75440110e4bc280e388b2c098fbd/
fuse  fuse2nfs  go.mod  go.sum  main.go

So every commit would be available if you reference it directly, but you can’t list them. This is a weird thing for a filesystem to do but it actually works fine in FUSE. I couldn’t get it to work in NFS though. I assume what’s going on here is that if you tell NFS that a directory is empty, it’ll interpret that the directory is actually empty, which is fair.

I ended up handling this by:

  • organizing the commits by their 2-character prefix the way .git/objects does (so that ls commits shows 0b 03 05 06 07 09 1b 1e 3e 4a), but doing 2 levels of this so that a 18d46e76d7c2eedd8577fae67e3f1d4db25018b0 is at commits/18/18df/18d46e76d7c2eedd8577fae67e3f1d4db25018b0
  • listing all the packed commits hashes only once at the beginning, caching them in memory, and then only updating the loose objects afterwards. The idea is that almost all of the commits in the repo should be packed and git doesn’t repack its commits very often.

This seems to work okay on the Linux kernel which has ~1 million commits. It takes maybe a minute to do the initial load on my machine and then after that it just needs to do fast incremental updates.

Each commit hash is only 20 bytes so caching 1 million commit hashes isn’t a big deal, it’s just 20MB.

I think a smarter way to do this would be to load the commit listings lazily – Git sorts its packfiles by commit ID, so you can pretty easily do a binary search to find all commits starting with 1b or 1b8c. The git library I was using doesn’t have great support for this though, because listing all commits in a Git repository is a really weird thing to do. I spent maybe a couple of days trying to implement it but I didn’t manage to get the performance I wanted so I gave up.

problem 4: “not a directory”

I kept getting this error:

"/tmp/mnt2/commits/59/59167d7d09fd7a1d64aa1d5be73bc484f6621894/": Not a directory (os error 20)

This really threw me off at first but it turns out that this just means that there was an error while listing the directory, and the way the NFS library handles that error is with “Not a directory”. This happened a bunch of times and I just needed to track the bug down every time.

There were a lot of weird errors like this. I also got cd: system call interrupted which was pretty upsetting but ultimately was just some other bug in my program.

Eventually I realized that I could use Wireshark to look at all the NFS packets being sent back and forth, which made some of this stuff easier to debug.

problem 5: inode numbers

At first I was accidentally setting all my directory inode numbers to 0. This was bad because if if you run find on a directory where the inode number of every directory is 0, it’ll complain about filesystem loops and give up, which is very fair.

I fixed this by defining an inode(string) function which hashed a string to get the inode number, and using the tree ID / blob ID as the string to hash.

problem 6: stale file handles

I kept getting this “Stale NFS file handle” error. The problem is that I need to be able to take an opaque 64-byte NFS “file handle” and map it to the right directory.

The way the NFS library I’m using works is that it generates a file handle for every file and caches those references with a fixed size cache. This works fine for small repositories, but if there are too many files then it’ll overflow the cache and you’ll start getting stale file handle errors.

This is still a problem and I’m not sure how to fix it. I don’t understand how real NFS servers do this, maybe they just have a really big cache?

The NFS file handle is 64 bytes (64 bytes! not bits!) which is pretty big, so it does seem like you could just encode the entire file path in the handle a lot of the time and not cache it at all. Maybe I’ll try to implement that at some point.

problem 7: branch histories

The branch_histories/ directory only lists the latest 100 commits for each branch right now. Not sure what the right move is there – it would be nice to be able to list the full history of the branch somehow. Maybe I could use a similar subfolder trick to the commits/ directory.

problem 8: submodules

Git repositories sometimes have submodules. I don’t understand anything about submodules so right now I’m just ignoring them. So that’s a bug.

problem 9: is NFSv4 better?

I built this with NFSv3 because the only Go library I could find at the time was an NFSv3 library. After I was done I discovered that the buildbarn project has an NFSv4 server in it. Would it be better to use that?

I don’t know if this is actually a problem or how big of an advantage it would be to use NFSv4. I’m also a little unsure about using the buildbarn NFS library because it’s not clear if they expect other people to use it or not.

that’s all!

There are probably more problems I forgot but that’s all I can think of for now. I may or may not fix the NFS stale file handle problem or the “it takes 1 minute to start up on the linux kernel” problem, who knows!

Thanks to my friend vasi who explained one million things about filesystems to me.

git branches: intuition & reality

Hello! I’ve been working on writing a zine about git so I’ve been thinking about git branches a lot. I keep hearing from people that they find the way git branches work to be counterintuitive. It got me thinking: what might an “intuitive” notion of a branch be, and how is it different from how git actually works?

So in this post I want to briefly talk about

  • an intuitive mental model I think many people have
  • how git actually represents branches internally (“branches are a pointer to a commit” etc)
  • how the “intuitive model” and the real way it works are actually pretty closely related
  • some limits of the intuitive model and why it might cause problems

Nothing in this post is remotely groundbreaking so I’m going to try to keep it pretty short.

an intuitive model of a branch

Of course, people have many different intuitions about branches. Here’s the one that I think corresponds most closely to the physical “a branch of an apple tree” metaphor.

My guess is that a lot of people think about a git branch like this: the 2 commits in pink in this picture are on a “branch”.

I think there are two important things about this diagram:

  1. the branch has 2 commits on it
  2. the branch has a “parent” (main) which it’s an offshoot of

That seems pretty reasonable, but that’s not how git defines a branch – most importantly, git doesn’t have any concept of a branch’s “parent”. So how does git define a branch?

in git, a branch is the full history

In git, a branch is the full history of every previous commit, not just the “offshoot” commits. So in our picture above both branches (main and branch) have 4 commits on them.

I made an example repository at which has its branches set up the same way as in the picture above. Let’s look at the 2 branches:

main has 4 commits on it:

$ git log --oneline main
70f727a d
f654888 c
3997a46 b
a74606f a

and mybranch has 4 commits on it too. The bottom two commits are shared between both branches.

$ git log --oneline mybranch
13cb960 y
9554dab x
3997a46 b
a74606f a

So mybranch has 4 commits on it, not just the 2 commits 13cb960 and 9554dab that are “offshoot” commits.

You can get git to draw all the commits on both branches like this:

$ git log --all --oneline --graph
* 70f727a (HEAD -> main, origin/main) d
* f654888 c
| * 13cb960 (origin/mybranch, mybranch) y
| * 9554dab x
* 3997a46 b
* a74606f a

a branch is stored as a commit ID

Internally in git, branches are stored as tiny text files which have a commit ID in them. That commit is the latest commit on the branch. This is the “technically correct” definition I was talking about at the beginning.

Let’s look at the text files for main and mybranch in our example repo:

$ cat .git/refs/heads/main
$ cat .git/refs/heads/mybranch

This makes sense: 70f727 is the latest commit on main and 13cb96 is the latest commit on mybranch.

The reason this works is that every commit contains a pointer to its parent(s), so git can follow the chain of pointers to get every commit on the branch.

Like I mentioned before, the thing that’s missing here is any relationship at all between these two branches. There’s no indication that mybranch is an offshoot of main.

Now that we’ve talked about how the intuitive notion of a branch is “wrong”, I want to talk about how it’s also right in some very important ways.

people’s intuition is usually not that wrong

I think it’s pretty popular to tell people that their intuition about git is “wrong”. I find that kind of silly – in general, even if people’s intuition about a topic is technically incorrect in some ways, people usually have the intuition they do for very legitimate reasons! “Wrong” models can be super useful.

So let’s talk about 3 ways the intuitive “offshoot” notion of a branch matches up very closely with how we actually use git in practice.

rebases use the “intuitive” notion of a branch

Now let’s go back to our original picture.

When you rebase mybranch on main, it takes the commits on the “intuitive” branch (just the 2 pink commits) and replays them onto main.

The result is that just the 2 (x and y) get copied. Here’s what that looks like:

$ git switch mybranch
$ git rebase main
$ git log --oneline mybranch
952fa64 (HEAD -> mybranch) y
7d50681 x
70f727a (origin/main, main) d
f654888 c
3997a46 b
a74606f a

Here git rebase has created two new commits (952fa64 and 7d50681) whose information comes from the previous two x and y commits.

So the intuitive model isn’t THAT wrong! It tells you exactly what happens in a rebase.

But because git doesn’t know that mybranch is an offshoot of main, you need to tell it explicitly where to rebase the branch.

merges use the “intuitive” notion of a branch too

Merges don’t copy commits, but they do need a “base” commit: the way merges work is that it looks at two sets of changes (starting from the shared base) and then merges them.

Let’s undo the rebase we just did and then see what the merge base is.

$ git switch mybranch
$ git reset --hard 13cb960  # undo the rebase
$ git merge-base main mybranch

This gives us the “base” commit where our branch branched off, 3997a4. That’s exactly the commit you would think it might be based on our intuitive picture.

github pull requests also use the intuitive idea

If we create a pull request on GitHub to merge mybranch into main, it’ll also show us 2 commits: the commits x and y. That makes sense and also matches our intuitive notion of a branch.

I assume if you make a merge request on GitLab it shows you something similar.

intuition is pretty good, but it has some limits

This leaves our intuitive definition of a branch looking pretty good actually! The “intuitive” idea of what a branch is matches exactly with how merges and rebases and GitHub pull requests work.

You do need to explicitly specify the other branch when merging or rebasing or making a pull request (like git rebase main), because git doesn’t know what branch you think your offshoot is based on.

But the intuitive notion of a branch has one fairly serious problem: the way you intuitively think about main and an offshoot branch are very different, and git doesn’t know that.

So let’s talk about the different kinds of git branches.

trunk and offshoot branches

To a human, main and mybranch are pretty different, and you probably have pretty different intentions around how you want to use them.

I think it’s pretty normal to think of some branches as being “trunk” branches, and some branches as being “offshoots”. Also you can have an offshoot of an offshoot.

Of course, git itself doesn’t make any such distinctions (the term “offshoot” is one I just made up!), but what kind of a branch it is definitely affects how you treat it.

For example:

  • you might rebase mybranch onto main but you probably wouldn’t rebase main onto mybranch – that would be weird!
  • in general people are much more careful around rewriting the history on “trunk” branches than short-lived offshoot branches

git lets you do rebases “backwards”

One thing I think throws people off about git is – because git doesn’t have any notion of whether a branch is an “offshoot” of another branch, it won’t give you any guidance about if/when it’s appropriate to rebase branch X on branch Y. You just have to know.

for example, you can do either:

$ git checkout main
$ git rebase mybranch


$ git checkout mybranch
$ git rebase main

Git will happily let you do either one, even though in this case git rebase main is extremely normal and git rebase mybranch is pretty weird. A lot of people said they found this confusing so here’s a picture of the two kinds of rebases:

Similarly, you can do merges “backwards”, though that’s much more normal than doing a backwards rebase – merging mybranch into main and main into mybranch are both useful things to do for different reasons.

Here’s a diagram of the two ways you can merge:

git’s lack of hierarchy between branches is a little weird

I hear the statement “the main branch is not special” a lot and I’ve been puzzled about it – in most of the repositories I work in, main is pretty special! Why are people saying it’s not?

I think the point is that even though branches do have relationships between them (main is often special!), git doesn’t know anything about those relationships.

You have to tell git explicitly about the relationship between branches every single time you run a git command like git rebase or git merge, and if you make a mistake things can get really weird.

I don’t know whether git’s design here is “right” or “wrong” (it definitely has some pros and cons, and I’m very tired of reading endless arguments about it), but I do think it’s surprising to a lot of people for good reason.

git’s UI around branches is weird too

Let’s say you want to look at just the “offshoot” commits on a branch, which as we’ve discussed is a completely normal thing to want.

Here’s how to see just the 2 offshoot commits on our branch with git log:

$ git switch mybranch
$ git log main..mybranch --oneline
13cb960 (HEAD -> mybranch, origin/mybranch) y
9554dab x

You can look at the combined diff for those same 2 commits with git diff like this:

$ git diff main...mybranch

So to see the 2 commits x and y with git log, you need to use 2 dots (..), but to look at the same commits with git diff, you need to use 3 dots (...).

Personally I can never remember what .. and ... mean so I just avoid them completely even though in principle they seem useful.

in GitHub, the default branch is special

Also, it’s worth mentioning that GitHub does have a “special branch”: every github repo has a “default branch” (in git terms, it’s what HEAD points at), which is special in the following ways:

  • it’s what you check out when you git clone the repository
  • it’s the default destination for pull requests
  • github will suggest that you protect the default branch from force pushes

and probably even more that I’m not thinking of.

that’s all!

This all seems extremely obvious in retrospect, but it took me a long time to figure out what a more “intuitive” idea of a branch even might be because I was so used to the technical “a branch is a reference to a commit” definition.

I also hadn’t really thought about how git makes you tell it about the hierarchy between your branches every time you run a git rebase or git merge command – for me it’s second nature to do that and it’s not a big deal, but now that I’m thinking about it, it’s pretty easy to see how somebody could get mixed up.

Some notes on nix flakes

I’ve been using nix for about 9 months now. For all of that time I’ve been steadfastly ignoring flakes, but everyone keeps saying that flakes are great and the best way to use nix, so I decided to try to figure out what the deal is with them.

I found it very hard to find simple examples of flake files and I ran into a few problems that were very confusing to me, so I wanted to write down some very basic examples and some of the problems I ran into in case it’s helpful to someone else who’s getting started with flakes.

First, let’s talk about what a flake is a little.

addition from a couple months later: I still do not actually understand flakes, but a couple of months after I wrote this post, Jade wrote Flakes aren’t real and cannot hurt you: a guide to using Nix flakes the non-flake way which I still haven’t fully processed but is the closest thing I’ve found to an explanation of flakes that I can understand

flakes are self-contained

Every explanation I’ve found of flakes explains them in terms of other nix concepts (“flakes simplify nix usability”, “flakes are processors of Nix code”). Personally I really needed a way to think about flakes in terms of other non-nix things and someone made an analogy to Docker containers that really helped me, so I’ve been thinking about flakes a little like Docker container images.

Here are some ways in which flakes are like Docker containers:

  • you can install and compile any software you want in them
  • you can use them as a dev environment (the flake sets up all your dependencies)
  • you can share your flake with other people with a flake.nix file and then they can build the software exactly the same way you built it (a little like how you can share a Dockerfile, though flakes are MUCH better at the “exactly the same way you built it” thing)

flakes are also different from Docker containers in a LOT of ways:

  • with a Dockerfile, you’re not actually guaranteed to get the exact same results as another user. With flake.nix and flake.lock you are.
  • they run natively on Mac (you don’t need to use Linux / a Linux VM the way you do with Docker)
  • different flakes can share dependencies very easily (you can technically share layers between Docker images, but flakes are MUCH better at this)
  • flakes can depend on other flakes and pick and choose which parts they want to take from their dependencies
  • flake.nix files are programs in the nix programming language instead of mostly a bunch of shell commands
  • the way they do isolation is completely different (nix uses dynamic linker/rpath tricks instead of filesystem overlays, and there are no cgroups or namespaces or VMs or anything with nix)

Obviously this analogy breaks down pretty quickly (the list of differences is VERY long), but they do share the “you can share a dev environment with a single configuration file” design goal.

nix has a lot of pre-compiled binaries

To me one of the biggest advantages of nix is that I’m on a Mac and nix has a repository with a lot of pre-compiled binaries of various packages for Mac. I mostly mention this because people always say that nix is good because it’s “declarative” or “reproducible” or “functional” or whatever but my main motivation for using nix personally is that it has a lot of binary packages. I do appreciate that it makes it easier for me to build a 5-year-old version of hugo on mac though.

My impression is that nix has more binary packages than Homebrew does, so installing things is faster and I don’t need to build as much from source.

my goal: make a flake with every package I want installed on my system

Previously I was using nix as a Homebrew replacement like this (which I talk about more in this blog post):

  • run nix-env -iA nixpkgs.whatever to install stuff
  • that’s it

This worked great (except that it randomly broke occasionally, but someone helped me find a workaround for that so the random breaking wasn’t a big issue).

I thought it might be fun to have a single flake.nix file where I could maintain a list of all the packages I wanted installed and then put all that stuff in a directory in my PATH. This isn’t very well motivated: my previous setup was generally working just fine, but I have a long history of fiddling with my computer setup (Arch Linux ftw) and so I decided to have a Day Of Fiddling.

I think the only practical advantages of flakes for me are:

  • I could theoretically use the flake.nix file to set up a new computer more easily
  • I can never remember how to uninstall software in nix, deleting a line in a configuration file is maybe easier to remember

These are pretty minor though.

how do we make a flake?

Okay, so I want to make a flake with a bunch of packages installed in it, let’s say Ruby and cowsay to start. How do I do that? I went to zero-to-nix and copied and pasted some things and ended up with this flake.nix file (here it is in a gist):

  inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-23.05-darwin";
  outputs = { self, nixpkgs }: {
    devShell.aarch64-darwin = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.aarch64-darwin.mkShell {
      buildInputs = with nixpkgs.legacyPackages.aarch64-darwin; [

This has a little bit of boilerplate so let’s list the things I understand about this:

  • nixpkgs is a huge central repository of nix packages
  • aarch64-darwin is my machine’s architecture, this is important because I’m asking nix to download binaries
  • I’ve been thinking of an “input” as a sort of dependency. nixpkgs is my one input. I get to pick and choose which bits of it I want to bring into my flake though.
  • the github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-23.05-darwin url scheme is a bit unusual: the format is github:USER/REPO_NAME/TAG_OR_BRANCH_NAME. So this is looking at the nixpkgs-23.05-darwin tag in the NixOS/nixpkgs repository.
  • mkShell is a nix function that’s apparently useful if you want to run nix develop. I stopped using it after this so I don’t know more than that.
  • devShell.aarch64-darwin is the name of the output. Apparently I need to give it that exact name or else nix develop will yell at me
  • cowsay and ruby are the things I’m taking from nixpkgs to put in my output
  • I don’t know what self is doing here or what legacyPackages is about

Okay, cool. Let’s try to build it:

$ nix build
error: getting status of '/nix/store/w1v41cyqyx4d7q4g7c8nb50bp9dvjm29-source/flake.nix': No such file or directory

This error is VERY mysterious – what is /nix/store/w1v41cyqyx4d7q4g7c8nb50bp9dvjm29-source/ and why does nix think it should exist???

I was totally stuck until a very nice person on Mastodon helped me. So let’s talk about what’s going wrong here.

problem 1: nix completely ignores untracked files

Apparently nix flakes have some Weird Rules about git. The way it works is:

  • if your current directory isn’t a git repo, everything is fine
  • if your are in a git repository, and all your files have been git added to git, everything is fine
  • but if you’re in a git directory and your flake.nix file isn’t tracked by git yet (because you just created it and are trying to get it to work), nix will COMPLETELY IGNORE YOUR FILE

After someone kindly told me what was happening, I found that this is mentioned in this blog post about flakes, which says:

Note that any file that is not tracked by Git is invisible during Nix evaluation

There’s also a github issue discussing what to do about this.

So we need to git add the file to get nix to pay attention to it. Cool. Let’s keep going.

a note on enabling the flake feature

To get any of the commands we’re going to talk about to work (like nix build), you need to enable two nix features:

  1. flakes
  2. “commands”

I set this up by putting experimental-features = nix-command flakes in my ~/.config/nix/nix.conf, but you can also run nix --extra-experimental-features "flakes nix-command" build instead of nix build.

time for nix develop

The instructions I was following told me that I could now run nix develop and get a shell inside my new environment. I tried it and it works:

$ nix develop
grapefruit:nix bork$ cowsay hi
< hi >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |

Cool! I was curious about how the PATH was set up inside this environment so I took a look:

grapefruit:nix bork$ echo $PATH

It looks like every dependency has been added to the PATH separately: for example there’s /nix/store/5si884h02nqx3dfcdm5irpf7caihl6f8-cowsay-3.7.0/bin for cowsay and /nix/store/5bs5q2dw5bl7c4krcviga6yhdrqbvdq6-ruby-3.1.4/bin for ruby. That’s fine but it’s not how I wanted my setup to work: I wanted a single directory of symlinks that I could just put in my PATH in my normal shell.

I asked in the Nix discord and someone told me I could use buildEnv to turn my flake into a directory of symlinks. As far as I can tell it’s just a way to take nix packages and copy their symlinks into another directory.

After some fiddling, I ended up with this: (here’s a gist)

  inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-23.05-darwin";
  outputs = { self, nixpkgs }: {
    defaultPackage.aarch64-darwin = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.aarch64-darwin.buildEnv {
      name = "julia-stuff";
      paths = with nixpkgs.legacyPackages.aarch64-darwin; [
      pathsToLink = [ "/share/man" "/share/doc" "/bin" "/lib" ];
      extraOutputsToInstall = [ "man" "doc" ];

This put a bunch of symlinks in result/bin:

$ ls result/bin/
bundle  bundler  cowsay  cowthink  erb  gem  irb  racc  rake  rbs  rdbg  rdoc  ri  ruby  typeprof

Sweet! Now I have a thing I can theoretically put in my PATH – this result directory. Next I mostly just needed to add every other package I wanted to install to this flake.nix file (I got the list from nix-env -q).

next step: add all the packages

I ran into a bunch of weird problems adding all the packges I already had installed to my nix, so let’s talk about them.

problem 2: an unfree package

I wanted to install a non-free package called ngrok. Nix gave me 3 options for how I could do this. Option C seemed the most promising:

       c) For `nix-env`, `nix-build`, `nix-shell` or any other Nix command you can add
         { allowUnfree = true; }
       to ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix.

But adding { allowUnfree = true} to ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix didn’t do anything for some reason so instead I went with option A, which did seem to work:

            $ export NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1

        Note: For `nix shell`, `nix build`, `nix develop` or any other Nix 2.4+
        (Flake) command, `--impure` must be passed in order to read this
        environment variable.

problem 3: installing a flake from a relative path doesn’t work

I made a couple of flakes for custom Nix packages I’d made (which I wrote about in my first nix blog post, and I wanted to set them up like this (you can see the full configuration here):

      hugoFlake.url = "path:../hugo-0.40";
      paperjamFlake.url = "path:../paperjam";

This worked fine the first time I ran nix build, but when I reran nix build again later I got some totally inscrutable error.

My workaround was just to run rm flake.lock everytime before running nix build, which seemed to fix the problem.

I don’t really understand what’s going on here but there’s a very long github issue thread about it.

problem 4 : “error while reading the response from the build hook”

For a while, every time I ran nix build, I got this error:

$ nix build
       … while reading the response from the build hook

       error: unexpected EOF reading a line

I spent a lot of time poking at my flake.nix trying to guess at what I could have gone wrong.

A very nice person on Mastodon also helped me with this one and it turned out that what I needed to do was find the nix-daemon process and kill it. I still have no idea what happened here or what that error message means, I did upgrade nix at some point during this whole process so I guess the upgrade went wonky somehow.

I don’t think this one is a common problem.

I wanted to install the zulu package for Java, but when I tried to add it to my list of packages I got this error complaining about a broken symlink:

$ nix build
error: builder for '/nix/store/4n9c4707iyiwwgi9b8qqx7mshzrvi27r-julia-dev.drv' failed with exit code 2;
       last 1 log lines:
       > error: not a directory: `/nix/store/2vc4kf5i28xcqhn501822aapn0srwsai-zulu-11.62.17/share/man'
       For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/4n9c4707iyiwwgi9b8qqx7mshzrvi27r-julia-dev.drv'.
$ ls /nix/store/2vc4kf5i28xcqhn501822aapn0srwsai-zulu-11.62.17/share/ -l
lrwxr-xr-x 29 root 31 Dec  1969 man -> zulu-11.jdk/Contents/Home/man

I think what’s going on here is that the zulu package in nixpkgs-23.05 was just broken (looks like it’s since been fixed in the unstable version).

I decided I didn’t feel like dealing with that and it turned out I already had Java installed another way outside nix, so I just removed zulu from my list and moved on.

putting it in my PATH

Now that I knew how to fix all of the weird problems I’d run into, I wrote a little shell script called nix-symlink to build my flake and symlink it to the very unimaginitively named ~/.nix-flake. The idea was that then I could put ~/.nix-flake in my PATH and have all my programs available.

I think people usually use nix flakes in a per-project way instead of “a single global flake”, but this is how I wanted my setup to work so that’s what I did.

Here’s the nix-symlink script. The rm flake.lock is because of that relative path issue, and the NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE is so I could install ngrok.


set -euo pipefail

cd ~/work/nixpkgs/flakes/grapefruit || exit
rm flake.lock
nix build --impure --out-link ~/.nix-flake

I put ~/.nix-flake at the beginning of my PATH (not at the end), but I might revisit that, we’ll see.

a note on GC roots

At the end of all this, I wanted to run a garbage collection because I’d installed a bunch of random stuff that was taking about 20GB of extra hard drive space in my /nix/store. I think there are two different ways to collect garbage in nix:

  • nix-store --gc
  • nix-collect-garbage

I have no idea what the difference between them is, but nix-collect-garbage seemed to delete more stuff for some reason.

I wanted to check that my ~/.nix-flake directory was actually a GC root, so that all my stuff wouldn’t get deleted when I ran a GC.

I ran nix-store --gc --print-roots to print out all the GC roots and my ~/.nix-flake was in there so everything was good! This command also runs a GC so it was kind of a dangerous way to check if a GC was going to delete everything, but luckily it worked.

problem 6: it’s a little slow

The last problem I ran into is speed. Previously, installing a new small package took me 2 seconds with nix-env -iA:

$ time nix-env -iA
installing 'sl-5.05'
these 2 paths will be fetched (0.41 MiB download, 3.77 MiB unpacked):
copying path '/nix/store/yv1c98m5pncx3i5q7nr7i7mfjkiyii72-ncurses-6.4' from ''...
copying path '/nix/store/2k78vf30czicjs0dq9x0sj4017ziwxkn-sl-5.05' from ''...
building '/nix/store/zadpfs9k1cw5x7iniwwcqd8lb7nnc7bb-user-environment.drv'...

Executed in    1.96 secs      fish           external

Installing the same package with flakes takes 7 seconds, plus the time to edit the config file:

$ vim ~/work/nixpkgs/flakes/grapefruit/flake.nix
$ time nix-symlink
Executed in    7.04 secs    fish           external
   usr time    1.78 secs    0.29 millis    1.78 secs
   sys time    0.51 secs    2.03 millis    0.51 secs

I don’t know what to do about this so I’ll just live with it. We’ll see if this ends up being annoying or not

that’s it!

Now my new nix workflow is:

  • edit my flake.nix to add or remove packages (this file)
  • rerun my nix-symlink script after editing it
  • maybe periodically run nix-collect-garbage
  • that’s it

setting up the nix registry

The last thing I wanted to do was run

nix registry add nixpkgs github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-23.05-darwin

so that if I want to ad-hoc run a flake with nix run nixpkgs#cowsay, it’ll take the version from the 23.05 version of nixpkgs. Mostly I just wanted this so I didn’t have to download new versions of the nixpkgs repository all the time – I just wanted to pin the 23.05 version.

I think nixpkgs-unstable is the default which I’m sure is fine too if you want to have more up-to-date software.

my solutions are probably not the best

My solutions to all the nix problems I described are maybe not The Best ™, but I’m happy that I figured out a way to install stuff that just involves one relatively simple flake.nix file and a 6-line bash script and not a lot of other machinery.

Personally I still feel extremely uncomfortable with nix and so it’s important to me to keep my configuration as simple as possible without a lot of extra abstraction layers that I don’t understand. I might try out flakey-profile at some point though because it seems extremely simple.

you can do way fancier stuff

You can manage a lot more stuff with nix, like:

  • your npm / ruby / python / etc packages (I just do npm install and pip install and bundle install)
  • your config files

There are all kind of tools that build on top of nix and flakes like home-manager. Like I said before though, it’s important to me to keep my configuration super simple so that I can have any hope of understanding how it works and being able to fix problems when it breaks so I haven’t paid attention to any of that stuff.

there’s a useful discord

I’ve been complaining about nix a little in this post, but as usual with open source projects I assume that nix has all of these papercuts because it’s a complicated system run by a small team of volunteers with very limited time.

Folks on the unofficial nix discord have been helpful, I’ve had a somewhat mixed experience there but they have a “support forum” section in there and I’ve gotten answers to a lot of my questions.

some other nix resources

the main resources I’ve found for understanding nix flakes are:

Also Kamal (my partner) uses nix and that really helps, I think using nix with an experienced friend around is a lot easier.

that’s all!

I still kind of like nix after using it for 9 months despite how confused I am about it all the time, I feel like once I get things working they don’t usually break.

We’ll see if that’s continues to be the case with flakes! Maybe I’ll go back to just using nix-env -iAing everything if it goes badly.

How git cherry-pick and revert use 3-way merge

Hello! I was trying to explain to someone how git cherry-pick works the other day, and I found myself getting confused.

What went wrong was: I thought that git cherry-pick was basically applying a patch, but when I tried to actually do it that way, it didn’t work!

Let’s talk about what I thought cherry-pick did (applying a patch), why that’s not quite true, and what it actually does instead (a “3-way merge”).

This post is extremely in the weeds and you definitely don’t need to understand this stuff to use git effectively. But if you (like me) are curious about git’s internals, let’s talk about it!

cherry-pick isn’t applying a patch

The way I previously understood git cherry-pick COMMIT_ID is:

  • calculate the diff for COMMIT_ID, like git show COMMIT_ID --patch > out.patch
  • Apply the patch to the current branch, like git apply out.patch

Before we get into this – I want to be clear that this model is mostly right, and if that’s your mental model that’s fine. But it’s wrong in some subtle ways and I think that’s kind of interesting, so let’s see how it works.

If I try to do the “calculate the diff and apply the patch” thing in a case where there’s a merge conflict, here’s what happens:

$ git show 10e96e46 --patch > out.patch
$ git apply out.patch
error: patch failed: content/post/2023-07-28-why-is-dns-still-hard-to-learn-.markdown:17
error: content/post/2023-07-28-why-is-dns-still-hard-to-learn-.markdown: patch does not apply

This just fails – it doesn’t give me any way to resolve the conflict or figure out how to solve the problem.

This is quite different from what actually happens when run git cherry-pick, which is that I get a merge conflict:

$ git cherry-pick 10e96e46
error: could not apply 10e96e46... wip
hint: After resolving the conflicts, mark them with
hint: "git add/rm <pathspec>", then run
hint: "git cherry-pick --continue".

So it seems like the “git is applying a patch” model isn’t quite right. But the error message literally does say “could not apply 10e96e46”, so it’s not quite wrong either. What’s going on?

so what is cherry-pick doing?

I went digging through git’s source code to see how cherry-pick works, and ended up at this line of code:

res = do_recursive_merge(r, base, next, base_label, next_label, &head, &msgbuf, opts);

So a cherry-pick is a… merge? What? How? What is it even merging? And how does merging even work in the first place?

I realized that I didn’t really know how git’s merge worked, so I googled it and found out that git does a thing called “3-way merge”. What’s that?

how git merges files: the 3-way merge

Let’s say I want to merge these 2 files. We’ll call them and

def greet():
    greeting = "hello"
    name = "julia"
    return greeting + " " + name
def say_hello():
    greeting = "hello"
    name = "aanya"
    return greeting + " " + name

There are two lines that differ: we have

  • def greet() and def say_hello
  • name = "aanya" and name = "julia"

How do we know what to pick? It seems impossible!

But what if I told you that the original function was this (

def say_hello():
    greeting = "hello"
    name = "julia"
    return greeting + " " + name

Suddenly it seems a lot clearer! v1 changed the function’s name to greet and v2 set name = "aanya". So to merge, we should make both those changes:

def greet():
    greeting = "hello"
    name = "aanya"
    return greeting + " " + name

We can ask git to do this merge with git merge-file, and it gives us exactly the result we expected: it picks def greet() and name = "aanya".

$ git merge-file -p
def greet():
    greeting = "hello"
    name = "aanya"
    return greeting + " " + name⏎

This way of merging where you merge 2 files + their original version is called a 3-way merge.

If you want to try it out yourself in a browser, I made a little playground at I made it very quickly so it’s not mobile friendly.

git merges changes, not files

The way I think about the 3-way merge is – git merges changes, not files. We have an original file and 2 possible changes to it, and git tries to combine both of those changes in a reasonable way. Sometimes it can’t (for example if both changes change the same line), and then you get a merge conflict.

Git can also merge more than 2 possible changes: you can have an original file and 8 possible changes, and it can try to reconcile all of them. That’s called an octopus merge but I don’t know much more than that, I’ve never done one.

how git uses 3-way merge to apply a patch

Now let’s get a little weird! When we talk about git “applying a patch” (as you do in a rebase or revert or cherry-pick), it’s not actually creating a patch file and applying it. Instead, it’s doing a 3-way merge.

Here’s how applying commit X as a patch to your current commit corresponds to this v1, v2, and base setup from before:

  1. The version of the file in your current commit is v1.
  2. The version of the file before commit X is base
  3. The version of the file in commit X. Call that v2
  4. Run git merge-file v1 base v2 to combine them (technically git does not actually run git merge-file, it runs a C function that does it)

Together, you can think of base and v2 as being the “patch”: the diff between them is the change that you want to apply to v1.

how cherry-pick works

Let’s say we have this commit graph, and we want to cherry-pick Y on to main:

A - B (main)
   X - Y - Z

How do we turn that into a 3-way merge? Here’s how it translates into our v1, v2 and base from earlier:

  • B is v1
  • X is the base, Y is v2

So together X and Y are the “patch”.

And git rebase is just like git cherry-pick, but repeated a bunch of times.

how revert works

Now let’s say we want to run git revert Y on this commit graph

X - Y - Z - A - B
  • B is v1
  • Y is the base, X is v2

This is exactly like a cherry-pick, but with X and Y reversed. We have to flip them because we want to apply a “reverse patch”.

Revert and cherry-pick are so closely related in git that they’re actually implemented in the same file: revert.c.

this “3-way patch” is a really cool trick

This trick of using a 3-way merge to apply a commit as a patch seems really clever and cool and I’m surprised that I’d never heard of it before! I don’t know of a name for it, but I kind of want to call it a “3-way patch”.

The idea is that with a 3-way patch, you specify the patch as 2 files: the file before the patch and after (base and v2 in our language in this post).

So there are 3 files involved: 1 for the original and 2 for the patch.

The point is that the 3-way patch is a much better way to patch than a normal patch, because you have a lot more context for merging when you have both full files.

Here’s more or less what a normal patch for our example looks like:

@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@:
- def greet():
+ def say_hello():
    greeting = "hello"

and a 3-way patch. This “3-way patch” is not a real file format, it’s just something I made up.

BEFORE: (the full file)
def greet():
    greeting = "hello"
    name = "julia"
    return greeting + " " + name
AFTER: (the full file)
def say_hello():
    greeting = "hello"
    name = "julia"
    return greeting + " " + name

“Building Git” talks about this

The book Building Git by James Coglan is the only place I could find other than the git source code explaining how git cherry-pick actually uses 3-way merge under the hood (I thought Pro Git might talk about it, but it didn’t seem to as far as I could tell).

I actually went to buy it and it turned out that I’d already bought it in 2019 so it was a good reference to have here :)

merging is actually much more complicated than this

There’s more to merging in git than the 3-way merge – there’s something called a “recursive merge” that I don’t understand, and there are a bunch of details about how to deal with handling file deletions and moves, and there are also multiple merge algorithms.

My best idea for where to learn more about this stuff is Building Git, though I haven’t read the whole thing.

so what does git apply do?

I also went looking through git’s source to find out what git apply does, and it seems to (unsurprisingly) be in apply.c. That code parses a patch file, and then hunts through the target file to figure out where to apply it. The core logic seems to be around here: I think the idea is to start at the line number that the patch suggested and then hunt forwards and backwards from there to try to find it:

	 * There's probably some smart way to do this, but I'll leave
	 * that to the smart and beautiful people. I'm simple and stupid.
	backwards = current;
	backwards_lno = line;
	forwards = current;
	forwards_lno = line;
	current_lno = line;
  for (i = 0; ; i++) {

That all seems pretty intuitive and about what I’d naively expect.

how git apply --3way works

git apply also has a --3way flag that does a 3-way merge. So we actually could have more or less implemented git cherry-pick with git apply like this:

$ git show 10e96e46 --patch > out.patch
$ git apply out.patch --3way
Applied patch to 'content/post/2023-07-28-why-is-dns-still-hard-to-learn-.markdown' with conflicts.
U content/post/2023-07-28-why-is-dns-still-hard-to-learn-.markdown

--3way doesn’t just use the contents of the patch file though! The patch file starts with:

index d63ade04..65778fc0 100644

d63ade04 and 65778fc0 are the IDs of the old/new versions of that file in git’s object database, so git can retrieve them to do a 3-way patch application. This won’t work if someone emails you a patch and you don’t have the files for the new/old versions of the file though: if you’re missing the blobs you’ll get this error:

$ git apply out.patch
error: repository lacks the necessary blob to perform 3-way merge.

3-way merge is old

A couple of people pointed out that 3-way merge is much older than git, it’s from the late 70s or something. Here’s a paper from 2007 talking about it

that’s all!

I was pretty surprised to learn that I didn’t actually understand the core way that git applies patches internally – it was really cool to learn about!

I have lots of issues with git’s UI but I think this particular thing is not one of them. The 3-way merge seems like a nice unified way to solve a bunch of different problems, it’s pretty intuitive for people (the idea of “applying a patch” is one that a lot of programmers are used to thinking about, and the fact that it’s implemented as a 3-way merge under the hood is an implementation detail that nobody actually ever needs to think about).

Also a very quick plug: I’m working on writing a zine about git, if you’re interested in getting an email when it comes out you can sign up to my very infrequent announcements mailing list.