Reading List

The most recent articles from a list of feeds I subscribe to.

Adding Siteleaf to a GitHub Pages site

I’ve been using Siteleaf a lot recently, for both my day job and personal projects. In light of this, I decided to create a screencast of myself going through the process of adding Siteleaf to a pre-existing site running on GitHub Pages. As additional reference, I’ve documented the process below.

I put CSS in my HTML and nothing exploded

When I first felt comfortable with front-end web development, I thought inline CSS was a filthy thing to do; something that could only be done in haste or from poor implementation. Thankfully, I’m a little wiser now and can understand that there is almost always a reason behind the implementation.

My domain is my playground

Whenever I want to test or try something out, I do one of three things; I create a new pen on CodePen, push some files to a new Surge project, or I’ll try it out live on my personal site or blog. The last one in that list is my favourite thing to do.

Jekyll Conf lightning talk

Recently I was asked by CloudCannon to record a lightning talk for Jekyll Conf. It was a great opportunity to contribute to the Jekyll community. You can watch all the talks from the day on YouTube.

How to create an open source portfolio

One really useful aspect of GitHub repos is that they allow us to host static websites thanks to GitHub Pages. But did you know that you can dynamically display all your GitHub repos on your website as well? In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to use that metadata to create a portfolio.