Reading List
The most recent articles from a list of feeds I subscribe to.
sample-input Web Component
It's great that can upload audio and video files with the input element, but browsers don't make it very easy for the user to preview that file. The sample-input component allows you to use audio and video elements to preview an audio or video file that's been uploaded to an input.
play-button Web Component
Styling audio and video elements can be a bit of a pain, especially across browsers. At the same time current solutions are either hacky CSS or overly engineered JavaScript. The play-button component allows you to play, and pause, audio and video with a single button element.
What I did in 2023
storage-form Web Component
storage-form is a Web Component to allow regular form elements to interact with the browsers local storage. This can be really useful when building websites or small applications that need to be able to store data for later use, such as website viewing preferences (also known as light/dark mode).
is-playing Web Component
is-playing is a Web Component that checks if an audio or video element is playing content and applies a playing attribute to itself and the element that is playing.