Reading List

The most recent articles from a list of feeds I subscribe to.

Monoliths, Service Architecture, and Microservices

There are many discussions about which level of system granulation is the best. We went from monoliths to microservices and back again.

File Management Tools for Your Favorite Shell

Going around your files and directories using the shell can feel slow and confusing, and not only when you’re a beginner. Personally, I was using GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) to display, rename, move, and delete my files for a long time. It took me a couple of years to really get used to the shell to perform these operations. Today, I only use the shell to manage my files, and I think it is the better way.

Redis Explained

A deep technical dive into all things Redis. Covering various Redis topologies, data persistence and process forking.

The Cognitive Load Theory in Software Development

“Our codebase is easy to understand. You won’t need more than a couple of hours. You’ll be productive right away! Guaranteed!” It’s Dave, your colleague developer, explaining to a new employee how one of the codebase of your company shines like a diamond. The three of you work at MegaCorpMoneyMaker, the famous e-commerce. Looking at the codebase, with its millions of lines of code, arbitrary boundaries, and unexpected dependencies, you wonder how Dave can have so much confidence in his “explanations”.

Relational Databases Explained

How Relational Databases Work. This post talks about how indexes and transactions work on the inside of relational databases.